View transcripts

This feature is available after applying for ClovaNote.

You can play or edit transcripts.

Play a transcript

You can check transcripts.

You can also start playing the transcript from a specific word by tapping or clicking that word in the created note.


  1. Tap the note you want to play.
  2. Tap at the bottom or the sentence the transcript will start at.

PC Web

  1. Click the note you want to play.
  2. Click at the bottom or the sentence the transcript will start at.

Search and replace words

You can search for or replace words in transcripts.


  1. Tap at the top right of the note.
  2. Enter a keyword or attendee’s name in a search bar to search for the section you want.
    You can replace the word searched by tapping 'Replace words'.

PC Web

  1. Click at the top right of the note.
  2. Enter a keyword or attendee’s name in a search bar to search for the section you want.
    You can replace the word searched by clicking 'Replace words'.
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