Collaborative Folders
Collaborative Folders are a space for collaboration; you can store and share all company knowledge/work materials.
Depending on the purpose, you can create a Collaborative Folder, and the Folder Master can manage the sharing scope and other settings.
However, creating a Collaborative Folder may be restricted depending on administrator settings.
- Only the domain members set by the Folder Master have access.
- Folder Masters can enhance security with permission setting (Edit, Read, or Access) by folder level.
- Can be set to private if necessary for archiving purposes.
- Used capacity is deducted from shared storage capacity.
- Displayed as .
- Link Sharing: To share files and folders as links, the administrator must allow Drive's link sharing function in Admin, and also link sharing in each of the Collaborative Folders.
- Moving files and folders: Files and folders in the Collaborative Folder can only be moved within the same Collaborative Folder.
- Delete files and folders: Deleted files and folders are moved to the Trash of the corresponding Collaborative Folder.
Shared Folders
Shared Folder is a folder shared by a member who uses My Drive with another member.
When you add a member to your folder, it will appear as in 'My Drive'.
The user who adds members to the folder will be the corresponding Folder Master.
- Can only be accessed by the owner of My Drive and the members whom the owner added to the folder.
- The Folder Master can change the authority (permission to edit or read) for the members whom were added to the folder.
- Used capacity is deducted from the shared storage capacity.
- Displayed as .
- Link Sharing: To share files and folders as links, the administrator of the user who added members must allow Drive's link sharing function for personal folders in Admin. Also, the added users must have editing permissions for the Shared Folder.
- Moving files and folders: Files and folders in a Shared Folder can only be moved within the same Shared Folder by users with the editing permission.
- Delete files and folders: Deleted files and folders are moved to the Shared Folder owner's My Drive Trash.
Message Room Folder
Message Room Folder is a space that can be used by members of a message room with multiple participants or of a Team/Group Message Room.
Depending on the Admin settings, the Folder feature may be restricted and the Team/Group Folder must be enabled by the Group Master or team leader specified by the administrator.
- Only message room members can use each message room folder.
- The team leader or the Group Master can set the authority (permission to access, edit or read) for each folder.
- Used capacity is deducted from shared storage capacity.
- Folders in Message are available for use only when using NAVER WORKS Core Products
- Displayed as .
- You can add message room folders to the list to view them collectively in Drive.
- In both the PC web and Drive app, even folders not added to Drive can be viewed by selecting 'Show All Folders', which will be displayed with .
- Link Sharing: To share files and folders as links, the administrator must allow Message Room Folder's link sharing function in Admin. All members in General Message Room folders, and the team leader or Group Master in Team/Group folders can set whether to use link sharing.
- Moving files and folders: Files and folders can only be moved within the same Message Room Folder.
- Delete files and folders: Deleted files and folders are moved to the Trash in Message Room Folder.
My Drive
My Drive is a personal space provided to all members. However, My Drive may not be available depending on the Admin settings.
- Only the owner of the personal folder has access.
- Users can add other users as members to certain folders.
- Used capacity is deducted from the shared storage capacity.
- Displayed as .
- Link Sharing: To share files and folders as links, the administrator must allow Drive's link sharing function for personal folders in Admin.
- Moving files and folders: Files and folders can only be moved within My Drive.
- Delete files and folders: Deleted files and folders are moved to the Trash in My Drive.
Icons for permissions and statuses
In Drive, you can check the differences in permission and status with the folder icon.
Type of Folder | Permission and Status | Icon |
Collaborative Folder | Without set permission | |
With permission to edit | ||
Permission to read only | ||
No permission to access | ||
Shared Folder | With permission to edit | |
Permission to read only | ||
Message Room Folder | Without set permission | |
With permission to edit | ||
Permission to read only | ||
No permission to access | ||
My Drive | Members have not been added | |
Members have been added |
The following are the tasks you can perform per each folder permission.
Task you can perform for each permission:
- Permission to edit: Upload, download, edit, copy, move, share and delete files and folders
- Permission to read: Download and copy the file