Account Security

Set policy for the password that members use to sign in to NAVER WORKS. Also, you can set limits on the number of attempts to sign in.

You can select whether to enable sign-in methods other than entering an ID/password.

  1. Select 'Security' from the left to expand the menu and press 'Account Security' to access the page. On mobile, tap the button to access the menus. 
  2. You can change the settings by pressing  on the right for each field.
  3. At the top right, press 'Save' to apply changes.

Password policies

To secure the accounts of members who sign in by entering a password, you can change the settings on password register/expiration and incorrect passwords.

Changing this setting does not force members to sign out of the service.

When members register a new password after changing the settings, they will create a password according to the new policy.

  1. Select 'Security' from the left to expand the menu and press 'Account Security' to access the page. On mobile, tap the button to access the menus. 
  2. You can change the settings by pressing the button on the right for each field.
  3. At the top right, press 'Save' to apply changes.

The following are the detailed descriptions of each field.

Detailed setting Option
Password format Members must generate a password in the format specified by the administrator during the registration process.

  • Require alphanumeric characters: The password must include English letters and numbers.
  • Require alphanumeric and special characters: The password must include English letters, numbers, and special characters.

English can be used in uppercase and lowercase letters.

Password length Set the minimum length of passwords for members to use.

  • The password length, in English standard, can be set from 8 to 20 characters.
Password expiration Set how long the password is allowed to use without changing.

  • Never: As long as the members do not change their password, they can continue to use the existing password.
  • Password expires after 30/60/90/180/365 days: Members with an expired password must register a new password when signing in.
Restrict password reuse Restrict re-use of recently used passwords.

  • Do not restrict: You can reuse the last password.
  • You cannot use the last 1/2/3/4/5 passwords
Limit the number of login attempts Suspend an account with several sign-in attempts with wrong passwords.

  • Members with a suspended account will sign out of all NAVER WORKS services.
  • Members with a suspended account can sign in to NAVER WORKS only after the administrator removes suspension.
Bulk reset passwords You can reset the passwords of all members at once.

Only members with an 'In use' status and a registered password are eligible for a reset. However, Super Admins and members who have not registered their ID/password after signing up using Quick Login will be excluded.

here are two ways to reset.

  • Change now: Resets all members' passwords to the same new password. All members will be forced to log out and log in with a new password.
  • Request to change: Send a password change request to all members.

For security reasons, if a member needs to change their password, force the password reset first and then send a change request again.

Login policy

Set up a company-wide login policy for security.

  1. Select 'Security' from the left to expand the menu and press 'Account Security' to access the page. On mobile, tap the button to access the menus. 
  2. You can change the settings by pressing the button on the right for each field.
  3. At the top right, press 'Save' to apply changes.

The following are the detailed descriptions of each field.

2-step verification

2-step verification is an additional authentication step that members go through when logging in to keep their accounts safe.

The administrator can make the 2-step verification ‘Required - Apply 2-step verification to all members’, requiring all members to activate the 2-step verification. Or make it ‘Optional – Apply according to members' selection', so that the members can selectively activate the 2-step verification.

  • When the 2-step verification is enabled, members will receive a one-time verification number via their personal email addresses or mobile phone numbers (text message) registered in their personal information. However, members who are logging in with their mobile phone numbers for 2-step verification can only receive the verification number via their personal email addresses.
  • Each member will undergo a process of verifying their personal email addresses and mobile phone numbers saved in their personal information at the time when the 2-step verification is activated. If you change the email address or mobile phone number in your personal information after enabling the 2-step verification, the verification number will be sent to your new personal email address or mobile phone number.
  • If you are using Business Support products including Attendance and Approval, you can set up 2-step verification for each service by selecting ‘Go to Business Support Settings Two-Factor Authentication'.

Features Options
2-step verification
  • Required: All members must enable the 2-step verification. After the settings are changed, the members will have to register the 2-step verification method the next time they log in. From then on, they can only log into their accounts after the 2-step verification.
  • Optional: Each member can choose to enable or disable the 2-step verification. Members log in through the 2-step verification process only if the members have voluntarily activated the 2-step verification.
Skip 2-step verification on trusted devices
  • According to the 'Login with the phone unlock method (FIDO)' function below, this setting is applied only to mobile devices registered as 'Trusted Devices' after a member has logged in once.
  • For trusted mobile devices, you do not need to go through 2-step verification when logging in to the NAVER WORKS app next time with biometric authentication.


If the 'Organizational Integration > Member' setting has been activated in Developer Console, each member is not allowed to change their personal information. Therefore, they cannot enter the 2-step verification.

If this is the case and 2-step verification is set to required, members who have not saved their personal email address or mobile phone numbers in personal information cannot log into their account. To prevent this situation, please make sure all members have entered their personal email addresses or mobile phone numbers in advance.

Keep logged in to PC app/Drive Explorer

You can set whether members stay signed in when they sign in to the PC app or Drive Explorer.

If the administrator turns on and members use the Keep logged in function, members do not need to log in every time they restart the PC app or Drive Explorer.

If the administrator turns off this function, all members within the domain must log in from the next login. Also, the function setting is not available in Settings.

Function Option
Stay logged in to PC app/Drive Explorer
  • Allow: All members can use the Keep logged in to PC app/Drive Explorer function.
  • Do not allow: Members can no longer use the Keep logged in to PC app/Drive Explorer function. All members will receive a service notification message on setting changes. All members of the domain including those who have used the keep logged in function must log in again every time. This function setting is not available in Settings. Checking the ‘Keep me logged in’ checkbox on the PC app log in screen will not keep you logged in.

Limit simultaneous web access

Limit the number of web browsers that can simultaneously access an account.

Function Option
Limit simultaneous web access
  • No limit: Freely use PC Web Naver Works without any restrictions on the number of browsers.
  • 2 browsers/4 browsers

Idle session timeout

Set to automatically log out after a set period of time without any activity.

If you log in again, you can use the service again.

However, when set to 'No limit' on the PC and mobile web, the actual idle session timeout is set to 24 hours and can be extended up to 30 days if you select 'Keep me logged in' when logging in on PC Web.

Function Option
PC web/Mobile web
  • No limit
  • 30 minutes/1 hour/2 hours/4 hours/6 hours/12 hours/24 hours/7 days/14 days/30 days
Mobile app
  • 30 days/180 days/1 year

Login method

You can allow members to log in using the quick login method instead of entering their ID and password.

Login with LINE

Instead of entering ID and password, members can sign in to NAVER WORKS with their LINE account.

  • First, members must connect their NAVER WORKS and LINE account to sign in using this method.
  • The connected LINE account is only used for signing in and is not displayed in the NAVER WORKS services.
  • For security, administrators can disable the 'Login with LINE' function for specific members.
Function Option
Login with LINE
  • Allow: Allow members to log in with LINE. All members will receive a notification that this feature is available.
  • Do not allow: Restrict members from signing in with LINE. Members who have been using the 'Login with LINE' function will not be able to use it from the next login.

Login with phone number

Instead of entering ID and password to sign in to NAVER WORKS, members can receive a one-time verification number to their mobile phone number.

To use the above login method, members must verify their identity with a one-time verification number sent to their phone and connect their phone number to the NAVER WORKS account.

  • If you are unable to receive text messages with the registered mobile phone number, you can receive a verification number through a service notification message.
  • Members can connect a new number or a mobile phone number in their personal information.
  • If you connect the phone number different from the one in your personal information, the connected phone number will only be used for signing in to NAVER WORKS. It will not be displayed or used. (For the lost ID/Password, the mobile phone number in the personal information is used.)
Function Option
Login with phone number
  • Allow: Turning on this function allows members to sign in by receiving a verification number to their mobile phone number. All members will receive a notification that this feature is available.
  • Do not allow: Turning off this feature restricts members from signing in with their mobile phone number. Members who have been using the 'Login with phone number' function will not be able to use it from the next login.

Mobile app Quick login

Instead of entering ID and password to sign in to NAVER WORKS, members can log in with the PIN or biometric authentication method saved in the mobile app.

To use this login method, members must set to use Quick login function and then register a PIN.

However, depending on the internal usage conditions, this setting may not be displayed.

Function Option
Quick login (Mobile app)
  • Allow: Turning on this feature allows all members to activate the Quick login via mobile phone function. All members will receive a notification that this feature is available.
  • Do not allow: Turning off this feature restricts members from turning on the Quick login via mobile phone function. Members who have been using this function must use a different login method from the next login.

Login with the phone unlock method (FIDO)

Members can log in using the mobile phone unlock method such as biometric authentication set on the device.

First, members can log in in this way by registering trusted device with the NAVER WORKS app installed as their device, and turning on the 'Login with the phone unlock method' setting.

  • If a member logs in to the mobile app by unlocking their phone, 2-step verification will not proceed.
  • When a member logs in to PC Web, PC App, or Drive Explorer by unlocking their mobile phone, they can log in by approving the login authentication request on the device by entering their ID or mobile phone number of their trusted device. The administrator can set whether to proceed with a 2-step verification at this point.
  • Administrators can check the device names registered by members for security management and remove specific devices.
Function Option
Login with the phone unlock method (FIDO)
  • Allow: Allow members to log in using this function. All members will receive a notification that this function has become available.
  • Do not allow: Restrict members from using this function to log in. All trusted devices will be deleted for members who have already set up this function and will need to log in using a different method from the next login. Members who are already using this function will receive a notification.
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