Service authority

Create service authority templates to grant to members with the right fit.

An Authority template is a combination of service authorities. 'Default' is an authority template provided as default to members. You can create new authority templates when you need a combination of service authorities different from the default template.

You can also set the contents of the default authority.

Set default authority

Set service authorities that are applied to members by default.

  1. Select 'Security' from the left to expand the menu and press 'Service Authority' to access the page. On mobile, tap the button to access the menus. 
  2. From the authority template list, press 'Default'.
  3. From the 'Service Usage Authority' field of the 'Authority Settings' page, select the contents of the default authority.
    • Service Usage Authority: Set whether to use the mobile app and the usage environment for each service. Select the device environment to use for each service.
      • To change the values, press 'Edit' at the top right to access the edit mode.
      • Mobile app: Choose whether to use the mobile app. If set to 'Do not use', all services in the mobile app are not available. If set to 'Use', you can select whether to use the mobile app for each service. You must use the Message.
      • Set the usage environment for each service: You can set the usage environment (Mobile web/PC web/PC app) for each service. In addition to the usage environment, you can set whether to use mobile external mail connection, IMAP/SMTP and POP/SMTP for Mail, CalDAV for Calendar and Drive Explorer for Drive.
        To use Message, Calendar, or Task, you must select at least one of the usage environments.

        • Sync external emails: If set to 'Use', you can send and receive emails with the email address provided by 3rd-party such as Gsuite and O365 by syncing it to the NAVER WORKS mobile app. This is useful when you want to continue using the existing mail service on the NAVER WORKS mobile app. NAVER WORKS services such as messages are compatible with the mail service you have been using. However, you have to choose between NAVER WORKS Mail and the mail service you have been using as you can only use one of them. Also, to sync external emails, the email address of the external mail service must be the same as the NAVER WORKS account (
        • IMAP/SMTP: Check the checkbox to allow members to use IMAP/SMTP. If you use IMAP/SMTP, you can exchange NAVER WORKS email using a mail program such as Microsoft Outlook or iPhone without accessing the NAVER WORKS webmail service.
        • POP/SMTP: Check the checkbox to allow members to use POP/SMTP. If you use POP/SMTP, you can exchange NAVER WORKS email using a mail program such as Microsoft Outlook or iPhone without accessing the NAVER WORKS webmail service.
        • Automatic forwarding: Check the checkbox to allow members to automatically forward emails received to other email addresses. If on, members will automatically forward by entering the email address to be forwarded in the Filter page of PC Mail settings. If you check the checkbox of 'External forwarding', you will also allow members to automatically forward emails to external email addresses such as Gmail.
        • CalDAV: Check the checkbox to allow members to use CalDAV. With CalDAV, you can check NAVER WORKS calendar events on the default calendar app of your iPhone or iPad by connecting them. However, calendar sync via CalDAV settings is not available on Android and mac devices. 
    • Feature Authority: Restrict file downloads from mobile apps to devices. You can set whether to restrict downloads for each service.
  4. At the top right, press 'Save' to apply changes.

Create authority template

If you want to give authority to a set of services different from the defaults, you need to create an authority template. Enter the name of the authority template and create them in the order of authority to grant.

  1. Select 'Security' from the left to expand the menu and press 'Service Authority' to access the page. On mobile, tap the button to access the menus. 
  2. Press the 'Add Template' on the top of the list to access the 'Add Template' window.
  3. Enter the name of the authority template.
    • 'Default' cannot be the name of a new authority template.
  4. Press 'OK' on the bottom.
  5. Press the added authority template from the list and then press 'Edit' on the top right of the 'Authority Settings' section. Select the authorities to include in the edit mode.
  6. At the top right, press 'Save' to create the authority template.

Edit authority template

You can edit the name and the selected authorities of the authority templates.


  1. Select 'Security' from the left to expand the menu and press 'Service Authority' to access the page. Tap the button to access the menus. 
  2. Edit the name or settings of the authority template.
    • Change name of authority
      1. Press the template name you want to edit from the list of authority templates and access the settings page. Press    at the top right and then the 'Change name of authority' to open the name edit window.
      2. Edit the authority template name and press 'OK' to apply changes.
    • Edit
      1. Press the name of the template you want to edit the settings and access the settings page. Press     at the top and then 'Edit' to access the edit mode.
      2. Edit the settings and then press 'Save' to apply changes.

PC Web

  1. Select 'Security' from the left to expand the menu and press 'Service Authority' to access the page.
  2. Edit the name or settings of the authority template.
    • Change name of authority
      1. Hover the mouse pointer over to the authority template list. Click  and then 'Change name of authority'.
      2. Edit the authority template name and click 'OK' to apply changes.
    • Edit
      1. Hover the mouse pointer over to the authority template list. Click  and then 'Edit' or click the 'Edit' button on the top right of the 'Authority Settings' page.
      2. Edit the settings and click the 'Save' button to apply changes.

Delete authority template

Delete the created authority templates.

However, the administrator cannot delete authority templates granted to a member or a specific user type. The administrator must replace the granted authorities with the other templates’ authorities to delete the authority template above.


  1. Select 'Security' from the left to expand the menu and press 'Service Authority' to access the page. Tap the button to access the menus.
  2. Press the template to delete from the authority template list to access the settings page. At the top, press    and then 'Delete'.
    • If there are any remaining members or user types granted with the selected authority, a dialogue box stating that they cannot be deleted appears.

PC Web

  1. Select 'Security' from the left to expand the menu and press 'Service Authority' to access the page.
  2. Hover the mouse pointer over to the authority template list. Click  and then 'Delete'.
    • If there are any remaining members or user types granted with the selected authority, a dialogue box stating that they cannot be deleted appears.

Grant authorities to use services

You can grant authorities in member or user type units with the created authority template.

The following are the priorities in granting the authorities of the authority template.

  1. Template assigned to the member
  2. Template assigned to the user type
  3. Default

Saving the latest edit details deletes the previous edit details.

Assign specific authority template to a member

Assign the created authority template in the member unit.

If the new template assigned has fewer authorities granted, the member will be signed out automatically from the setting they are using (Mobile App/PC Web/PC App).

  1. Select 'Security' from the left to expand the menu and press 'Service Authority' to access the page. On mobile, tap the button to access the menus.
  2. Press the authority template to assign the member from the list.
  3. Press 'Member' from the top and then 'Add member'.
  4. Check the checkbox of members you want to assign the authority template and press 'OK' on the bottom. You can assign the authority template in an organizational unit.
  5. Check the assigned authorities from the 'Edit' page and press 'Save' at the top right.

Assign specific authority template to a user type

Assign the created authority template in the user type unit.

Use this when you need to divide the user type into executive, full-time, outsourced, and part-time, and grant different authorities for each user type.

You can enter or edit the user type per member in the Member > Position/Level/User Type.

If the new template assigned has fewer authorities granted, members will be signed out automatically from the setting they are using (Mobile App/PC Web/PC App).

  1. Select 'Security' from the left to expand the menu and press 'Service Authority' to access the page. On mobile, tap the button to access the menus. 
  2. Press the authority template to assign  from the list.
  3. Press the 'User Type' on the right and then 'Add user type'.
  4. From the 'Add user type' window, select the user types to give authorities and press 'OK' on the bottom.
  5. Check the assigned authorities from the 'Edit' page and press 'Save' at the top right.

Edit the authorities to use service

You can change the authority template assigned to a member or user type to another authority template. Also, you can change the created authority template to the default template.

Edit the authority template assigned to a member

You can change the authority template assigned to a member with the following methods in the Member tab.

Edit from the member list

Make changes in the list of authorized members.

If the new template assigned has fewer authorities granted, members will be signed out automatically from the setting they are using (Mobile App/PC Web/PC App).

  1. Select 'Security' from the left to expand the menu and press 'Service Authority' to access the page. On mobile, tap the button to access the menus. 
  2. Select the authority template that has members you want to edit from the list.
  3. Press the 'Member' on the right.
  4. From the member list, press 'Change' on the right to access the 'Change authority' page.
  5. Select the authority template to assign and press 'Save' at the top right after checking the change details.

Edit from the member information

Access the member information to change the authority template. Use this when you do not know which authority template was assigned to a given member.

If the new template assigned has fewer authorities granted, members will be signed out automatically from the setting they are using (Mobile App/PC Web/PC App).

  1. Select 'Security' from the left to expand the menu and press 'Service Authority' to access the page. On mobile, tap the button to access the menus. 
  2. Press the 'Member' on the right.
  3. Enter the name of a member you want to change the authority template on the 'Search member' bar. The 'Search member' bar is not to search only the members in the list below.
  4. Press 'Change' right to the name of a member you want to edit and access the 'Change authority'.
  5. Select the authority template to assign and press 'Save' at the top right after checking the change details.

Edit the authority template assigned to a user type

Make changes in the list of authorized user types.

If the new template assigned has fewer authorities granted, members will be signed out automatically from the setting they are using (Mobile App/PC Web/PC App).

  1. Select 'Security' from the left to expand the menu and press 'Service Authority' to access the page. On mobile, tap the button to access the menus. 
  2. Select the authority template that has the user type  you want to edit from the list.
  3. Press the 'User Type' on the right.
  4. Press the 'Change' on the right of the user type to change and access the 'Change authority' page.
  5. Select the authority template to assign and press 'Save' at the top right after checking the change details.

Edit as the default authority

You can change the created authority template into the default authority by assigning more authorities.

However, after changing the authority template as the default, the user type with the specific authority template assigned will continue to only have authorities for their user type.

  1. Select 'Security' from the left to expand the menu and press 'Service Authority' to access the page. On mobile, tap the button to access the menus. 
  2. Press the authority template that has a member or a user type you want to edit.
  3. Press 'User Type' or 'Member' on the right.
  4. Press 'Remove' on the right of the one you want to edit.
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