Manage domains

Add secondary domains or delete added secondary domains.

You can use both the new and the existing domain by using a secondary domain feature.

By adding a secondary domain, all members will have a new email address that includes 'member ID@secondary domain' and the existing email.

In the 'From' section for the email, you can enter the email address with the primary domain and secondary domain.

Emails received to the secondary domain email address are also sent to the inbox of the primary domain. Emails sent to a secondary domain address will have a secondary domain label added to the subject line to distinguish them from emails received at the primary domain inbox.

Add a secondary domain

Add secondary domains in addition to the domain you used to sign up for NAVER WORKS.

You can add up to 10 secondary domains.

To use NAVER WORKS Mail with a secondary domain, you need to configure the MX records in the DNS of the secondary domain (if not using NAVER WORKS Mail, TXT/CNAME settings will suffice). After the new MX record setting is confirmed by NAVER WORKS, you can have both the primary domain and the secondary domain email address as the sender's email address.

  1. In the left menu of Admin, select 'Settings' to expand the menu, then click 'Domain' to go to 'Domain'. On mobile, tap to open the menu.
  2. At the top right, press 'Add Domain'.
    • When the primary domain status is 'In use', 'Add Domain' is displayed.
  3. Enter the secondary domain and press 'Complete'.
    • You cannot set domains already in use within NAVER WORKS or second-level domains as secondary domains.
  4. Activate secondary domains with MX record settings.
    • If you do not use NAVER WORKS Mail, you can also set TXT/CNAME.

Depending on the domain hosting website, the confirmation of the connection setting on the MX record may take up to 72 hours.

When the secondary domain is 'In use', a new secondary domain email address is available for all members. Emails can be sent or received with the new secondary domain email address.

The added secondary domain will be deleted automatically if not activated within 14 days.

Delete a secondary domain

Delete the added secondary domains.

  1. In the left menu of Admin, select 'Settings' to expand the menu, then click 'Domain' to go to 'Domain'. On mobile, tap to open the menu.
  2. Press 'Delete' to delete the domain you want to delete in the list.

When you delete a secondary domain, all members' secondary domain email addresses are deleted immediately. You cannot receive or send an email with the deleted secondary domain email address.

You cannot delete the primary domain.

Select between primary domain and secondary domain

The Super Admin can change a verified secondary domain to the primary domain.

To change the primary domain, you must add as a secondary domain in advance.

The following are precautions of changing domains.

  • Domain change may take longer when your company has many members.
  • Once the domain has been changed, you cannot change it again within 24 hours. Also, every member will be instantly logged out and required to log in using the ID with the new domain.
  • By registering each member's personal email in their information, notifications of any changes will be sent to their personal email, making it easier to share updates.
  • Once the domain is changed successfully, an email and SMS are sent accordingly to the Super Admin's personal email and registered phone number.
  1. In the left menu of Admin, select 'Settings' to expand the menu, then click 'Domain' to go to 'Domain'. On mobile, tap to open the menu.
  2. Press 'Change to Primary Domain' on the right of 'In use' status of the secondary domain.
    • To set 'In use' , set the MX record on the secondary domain to verify the domain ownership.
  3. Press 'Change domain' after checking precautions.
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