You can view the available slots for a resource and make a reservation.
When a resource is reserved, the reservation for the resource will be added to the calendar.
- Check the available time slots for the resource and tap ‘Reservation’ on the right.
Reserved slots are shown in gray or blue. - Select the date to reserve and enter the content and participants.
- Tap ‘Save’.
PC Web
- Check the available time slots for the resource and click the slot.
Reserved slots are shown in gray or blue. - Select the date to reserve and enter the content and participants.
- Click ‘Save’.
Reservation schedule
Select the date and time to reserve the resource.
Reservation date
- The reservation date is automatically set to the date initially selected from the ‘All Resources’ or ‘Favorite Resources’ screen.
- Select the set date to change the ‘Date’.
Reservation time
- Select the time to reserve to the resource.
- To reserve for more than 30 minutes, select the start and end time.
- Time slots reserved by others cannot be selected.
You can view who reserved the slot on the right of the reserved time slots.
PC Web
Reservation date
- The reservation date is automatically set to the date initially selected from the ‘All Resources’ or ‘Favorites’ screen.
- Press the set date to change the ‘Date’.
- If the selected date is already reserved, ‘Unavailable’ will be displayed on the right of the resource name.
Reservation time
- The reservation time is automatically set to the time initially selected from the ‘All Resources’ or ‘Favorites’ screen.
- To adjust the automatically set time, edit the start time and end time.
- If the selected time is already reserved, ‘Unavailable’ will be displayed on the right of the resource name.
Reservation details
Enter the details of the reservation. If you do not fill the field, the ‘Resource Name’ will be used for the schedule.
You can search and invite attendees. On mobile, tap ‘Detailed Options’ to enter.
You can select the calendar to add the resource reservation schedule. The default is Default Calendar.
You can add the resource reservation schedule to calendars that you have authority to add events: from the shared calendars or calendars that you shared.
On mobile, tap ‘Detailed Options’ to select.