This feature is available after applying for NAVER WORKS Core or WORKS Approval.
Adding tags to external contacts allows you to categorize contacts by purpose of contacting or characteristics.
Tag types
There are two types of tags: 'Company tags' and 'My tags'.
- Company tags: Tags that all members can see. The administrator can select 'Freely by members' or 'Only by administrator' to grant the permission to add, edit and delete company tags. Company tags are displayed as .
- My tags: Private tags that only you can see. My tags are displayed as . The administrator can decide whether to allow the use of My tags. You will not be able to see My tags if the administrator has set the setting to not use.
Add a tag
You can add tags to external contacts.
- Tap 'Home' on the bottom.
- Tap 'Contacts'.
- Tap on the left.
- On the left menu, tap 'Manage Tags' below the 'External Contacts' menu.
- In the 'Manage Tags' screen, select the type of tag you want to manage between 'Company tags' and 'My tags'.
- Company tags: This is displayed only to the users who are authorized by the administrator to edit or delete company tags.
- My tags: This is displayed only if the administrator has selected Use for My tags.
- Tap on the top right of the Manage company tags or the Manage my tags screen.
- Tag name: You can enter up to 30 characters.
- You cannot add tags with the same name under the same type (Company and My tags).
PC Web
- Click on the top.
- Click 'Contacts'.
- Click ‘External Contacts’ on the left menu.
Click on the right of the 'Tagged Contacts'.
- In the Settings page, select the type of tag you want to manage between 'Manage Company Tags' and 'Manage MY Tags'.
- Manage Company Tags: This is exposed only to the users who are authorized by the administrator to edit or delete company tags.
- Manage MY Tags: This is exposed only if the administrator has selected use for My tags.
In 'Manage Company Tags' page, click 'Add company tag' on the top right. In 'Manage MY Tags' page, click 'Add MY tag' on the top right.- Tag name: You can enter up to 30 characters.
You cannot add a tag with the same name under the same tag type (Company and My tags).
Edit tag name
You can edit tag names of external contacts.
- Tap 'Home' on the bottom.
- Tap 'Contacts'.
- Tap on the left.
- On the left menu, tap 'Manage Tags' below the 'External Contacts' menu.
- In the Manage tags screen, select the type of tag you want to manage between 'Company tags' and 'My tags'.
- Tapon the right of a list in the 'Company tags' or the 'My tags' screen.
- Tap 'Rename'.
- Make changes and tap 'Save'.
PC Web
- Click on the top.
- Click 'Contacts'.
- Click ‘External Contacts’ on the left menu.
- Click on the right of the ‘Tagged Contacts’.
- In the Settings page, select the type of tag that needs to be managed between 'Manage Company Tags' and 'Manage MY Tags'.
- Click the ‘Rename’ button on the right of the tag.
- Rename the tag in the 'Edit tag name' layer.
Delete tags
You can delete tags of external contacts.
- Tap 'Home' on the bottom.
- Tap 'Contacts'.
- Tap on the left.
- On the left menu, tap 'Manage Tags' below the 'External Contacts' menu.
- In the Manage tags screen, select the type of tag you want to manage between 'Company tags' and 'My tags'.
- Tapon the right of a list in the 'Company tags' or 'My tags' screen.
- Tap 'Delete'.
- Read the precautions and then tap 'Confirm'.
When you delete a company tag, the tag may be deleted from other members' lists.
PC Web
- Click on the top.
- Click 'Contacts'.
- Click ‘External Contacts’ on the left menu.
- Click on the right of the ‘Tagged Contacts’.
- In the Settings screen, select the type of tag that needs to be managed between 'Manage Company Tags' and 'Manage MY Tags'.
- Click the 'Delete' button on the right side of the tags list in the 'Manage Company Tags' or the 'Manage MY Tags' screen, or select multiple tags and then click the 'Delete' button on the top left.
- Check the alert message and click ‘Delete’.
When deleting company tags, the tags can also be removed from the list of other members.
Add tags to a contact
You can add tags to your contacts.
- Tap 'Home' on the bottom.
- Tap 'Contacts'.
- Tap .
- Tap 'All' of the 'External Contacts'.
- Tap the name of the contact to add a tag.
- Tap .
- Tap 'Edit'.
- Tap 'Add tags' and then tags to add. Selected tags are displayed in blue.
- Tap 'Save' to add tags to a contact.
PC Web
- Click on the top.
- Click 'Contacts'.
- On the left menu, click 'External Contacts'.
- Click ‘All Contacts’ or the tag that contains the contact you want to add tag.
- Tap a contact to add tags.
- In the contact details, clickon the right.
- Click 'Edit'.
- Click ‘Add Tags’, and then select the tag you want to add. Selected tags are displayed in blue.
- Click ‘OK’.
- Click 'Save' to add tags to a contact.
Remove tags from a contact
You can remove tags that are added to contacts.
- Tap 'Home' on the bottom.
- Tap 'Contacts'.
- Tap .
- Tap 'All' of the 'External Contacts'.
- Tap the name of the contact to remove tags.
- Tap .
- Tap 'Edit'.
- Tap 'Add tags' and then the tag to deselect. Deselected tags are displayed in grey.
- Tap 'Save' to remove tags from a contact.
PC Web
- Click on the top.
- Click 'Contacts'.
- On the left menu, click 'External Contacts'.
- Click ‘All Contacts’ or the tag that contains the contact you want to remove tag.
- Click the name of the contact to remove tags.
- In the contact details, clickon the right.
- Click 'Edit'.
- Click 'Add Tags', and then the tag to deselect. Deselected tags are displayed in grey.
- Click ‘OK’.
- Click 'Save' to remove tags from a contact.