Delete account

Delete the NAVER WORKS account and cancel the service and product subscription.

Learn what deleting your account means

When you delete your account, all product subscriptions will be canceled, and your data will be deleted. Make sure to back up data before deleting.

The following are backup methods.

Cases when account deletion is unavailable

In the following cases, you cannot delete the NAVER WORKS account.

  • If two or more basic products are currently in use without cancellation
    (e,g, NAVER WORKS Core Standard + NAVER WORKS Business Support Approval)
  • If all members except for the Super Admin have not been deleted
  • If the subdomain of the corporate group has not yet been deleted

How to delete your account

  1. Select 'Settings' from the left menu of Admin to expand the menu. Then press 'Delete NAVER WORKS' to access the 'Delete NAVER WORKS' screen.
  2. Press 'Go to survey' on the bottom.
  3. Answer the survey. Select the reason for withdrawal and enter your email address to receive NAVER WORKS-related news by email.
  4. Enter your password and press 'Delete NAVER WORKS'.
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