
You can access each NAVER WORKS service from the Home screen.

However, only administrators can edit the service order or configuration.

Service menu

You can check the custom shortcut menu added by the NAVER WORKS service and administrator.

Administrators can change the order and configuration of service menus in Admin.

Admin menu

This menu is only displayed to administrators and provides access to the Admin menu and screens.


  1. Tap 'Home' on the bottom.
  2. Tap 'Admin'.
  3. Select the service you need such as 'Member', 'Team', 'Group', etc. You can also tap 'View All' to change detailed settings in Admin.

Bottom tab menu

Among the services of NAVER WORKS, 'Home' and the 4 services that the administrator has set up to display appear in the bottom tab.

Administrators can change the order and configuration of the bottom tab menus in Admin.

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