Delete a post
The post author, Board Manager, and administrator with Board service authority can delete the post.
Posts you delete transfer to Trash and will be deleted after the Trash storage period set by the administrator passes.
- Tap 'Board' on the bottom.
- Open the post to delete.
- Tap .
- Tap 'Delete' to delete the post.
PC Web
- Click  on the top.
- Click 'Board'.
- Click the post to delete.
- Click 'Delete' on the bottom right of the post content to delete the post.
You can also delete posts in My Posts.
- Tap 'Board' on the bottom.
- Tap .
- Tap 'My Posts'.
- Open the post you want to delete.
- Tap   .
- Tap 'Delete' to delete the post.
PC Web
- Click  on the top.
- Click 'Board'
- Click 'My Posts' on the left menu.
- Click  on the left side of the post you want to delete.
- Click 'Delete' to delete the post.
Restore a deleted post
You can restore the posts you deleted from Trash to republish them in Board. You can select a board in which you want to restore the post.
- Tap 'Board' on the bottom.
- Tap .
- Tap 'Trash' on the bottom.
- Tap the post you want to restore from Trash.
- Tap  .
- Select a board in which you want to restore the post.
PC Web
- Click  on the top.
- Click 'Board'.
- Click 'Trash' on the bottom of the left menu.
- Click  on the left side of the post you want to restore.
- Click 'Move' and select a board in which you want to restore the post.
- Click 'Move' again.
The Trash storage period is set by the administrator.
Permanently delete a post
All posts in Trash are permanently deleted after the Trash storage period set by the administrator. You can also permanently delete the posts you wrote and deleted without having to wait until the end of the storage period.
- Tap 'Board' on the bottom.
- Tap .
- Tap 'Trash' on the bottom.
- Select the post to permanently delete in Trash.
- Tap  to permanently delete the post.
PC Web
- Click  on the top.
- Click 'Board'.
- Click 'Trash' on the bottom of the left menu.
- Click  on the left side of the post you want to permanently delete.
- Click ’Delete permanently' to permanently delete the post.
You cannot restore the permanently deleted posts.