Member information page

To access a member-specific information page, select the member from the member list of the Admin's 'Member' or press 'More' at the bottom of the mini-profile.

For efficient management and to check usage status at glance, you can view the charts of the NAVER WORKS service usage and security status. Also, along with the registered profile information, the following information and integrated functions are available.

Member information

You can check and edit the profile information such as organization and contact information of members saved in the Admin.

  • Only the main organization has  mark when there are multiple affiliated organizations.
  • You can edit the existing profile details by pressing 'Edit Member' at the top right.


Security-related status and settings for security functions are available for safer use of the services.

  • Password: The date of the last password change is displayed. Also, the administrator can change the member's password or send a request for a member to change a password.
  • Easy login: You can check whether the member signs in with the LINE account or a mobile phone number. Also, you can turn off the easy login function if needed.
  • Auto-complete during member search: If you turn on the setting, the auto-complete function will be activated when searching for members (primary/concurrent position) by entering keywords in the member search bar. If turned off, member search becomes unavailable.
  • Member's team privacy & access
    • You can decide whether to display a member when the organization from the organizational chart is selected. If you do not want other employees to know that the member belongs to a specific organization, set the organization as 'Private'.
    • Set whether or not to give access to the functions per each organization unit. If the 'Include when sharing with a team' is set to 'Exclude', the team Message/Note/Calendar/Folder functions are not available. Also, you cannot access the organization-specific Form and Board functions.
  • 2-step verification 
    • You can check if a member is using 2-step verification.
    • If you select 'Optional - Apply according to members' selection' in 2-step verification settings, you can set whether to enable 2-step verification for this member by clicking 'ON' or 'OFF'.
    • If you select 'Required - Apply 2-step verification to all members' in 2-step verification settings, press 'Reset' to reset this member's 2-step verification method and have them re-enter related information.

Storage capacity in use

You can check the storage capacity currently in use for Drive and Mail.

However, if you have applied for a Drive option as a Standard plan user, you can only check storage capacity in use for Drive.


You can check all device information from members who accessed NAVER WORKS mobile app, PC app, Drive app, and Drive Explorer from the last 3 years.

  • If the installed app is not up-to-date, 'Update available' is at the bottom of the installed app information. Click the hyperlink to send an update notification to the member.
  • When you are concerned about information leakage from a former employee or lost work phone with MDM, press 'Delete app data' or 'Reset device' on the device details. Note that data cannot be restored after deleting or initializing processes.

Connection status

NAVER WORKS access history of the past 90 days is displayed.

  • You can view the App and Web sign-in history separately with filters.
  • You can disconnect a device by pressing 'Logout' after checking the environment and location from the connection status list.

Also press 'More' at the top right for functions such as Block app usage, Set leave of absence, Delete account, and Suspended (for a member suspension).

Block app usage

Press 'More' on the top right of the member information page and select 'Block App Usage'. On mobile, tap  on the top right and then 'Block App Usage'.

Block members from accessing NAVER WORKS mobile and PC apps (PC Web remains available)

To unblock a member, press 'More' and 'Unblock App Usage'.

Transfer to a new group company

This feature is available after activating the corporate group feature.

Change the affiliated group company of a member.

Press 'More' at the top right of the member information screen and select 'Change Group Company'. On mobile, tap at the top right and then tap 'Change Group Company'. Select the new affiliated group company and press 'Save'.

After transferring to a new group company, the member will automatically exit all message rooms in the previous organization. The ID will also change and will be logged out from all devices within 5 minutes.

When connected with an external user, the message ID, invitation link, and QR code necessary for the connection will change.

Please note that if the product used in the new company differs from the previous one, data may be deleted as described below.

Product change cases Data to be deleted
NAVER WORKS Core Standard, Standard Plus, Trial plans → Not in use Member's messages, personal calendar events, mailboxes, Drive personal folders
NAVER WORKS Core Lite, Free plans → Not in use Member's messages, personal calendar events
Drive → Not in use Member's Drive personal folders


Leave of absence settings

Select 'Set Leave of Absence' by pressing 'More' at the top right of the member information page. On mobile, tap  on the top right and then 'Set Leave of Absence'.

The administrator can set the member's absence and duration period.

The updated absence information will be on the member's profile and organizational chart.

If the leave of absence period is set, the absence mark disappears automatically after the period.

Delete account

Press 'More' at the top right of the member information page and then 'Delete Account' to delete the selected member. On mobile, tap  on the top right and then 'Delete Account'.

Press 'More' and then 'Undelete' to restore the members who were deleted less than 7 days ago.

Suspend account

Select 'Suspended' by pressing 'More' at the top right of the member information page. On mobile, tap  on the top right and then 'Suspended'.

Suspend the selected member's NAVER WORKS account.

The suspension restricts the member's access and initializes all absence settings.

However, a member's account and data will not be deleted after suspending.

For a suspended member, 'Unsuspend' is available when pressing 'More'.

Resend invitation email

You can resend an invitation email to a member who chose to complete the registration through the 'Send creation link' option.

Press 'More' at the top right of the member information page and select 'Resend email invitation'. On mobile, tap  on the top right and then 'Resend email invitation'.

For a member who did not provide a personal email address, enter a personal email address first, and then you can resend the invitation.

Reset password

You can reset the password for members with the 'Automatic generation' or 'Registration by admin' options on the add members window.

Select 'Reset Password' by pressing 'More' at the top right of the member information page. On mobile, tap  on the top right and then 'Reset Password'.

After regenerating a password, you can inform the member with an email or prints.


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