Report as spam

This feature is available after applying for the Standard or Standard Plus plan of NAVER WORKS Core.

You can report spam, such as promotional emails, to avoid receiving them in the future and add specific senders’ email addresses to the block list.

Emails reported as spam will be moved to the Spam mailbox or permanently deleted. 

Changes will be reflected automatically in the NAVER WORKS Spam System to prevent receiving the same spam emails again.

Report individual emails as spam

You can report the email as spam.


  1. Open the email you want to report as spam, and tap   .
  2. Tap 'Report spam'.
  3. Tap 'Confirm' to report the email as spam.

PC Web

  1. Click  on the top.
  2. Click 'Mail'.
  3. Click on an email in Mail.
  4. Open the email, and click 'Report Spam' on the top.
  5. Select how to handle the emails.
    • Send to Spam: Move the emails to the Spam mailbox.
    • Delete permanently: Emails will be permanently deleted. Permanently deleted emails cannot be restored.
    • Block emails from selected email address: Select to block emails from the selected email address.
    • Also mark existing emails from the selected email address as spam: Select to also handle existing emails from the selected email address as spam.
  6. Click 'OK'.

Report multiple emails as spam

You can report multiple emails as spam at once.


  1. In the email list, tap and hold the email you want to report as spam.
  2. Select the emails you want to report as spam.
  3. Tap .
  4. Tap 'Confirm' to report the emails as spam.

PC Web

  1. Click  on the top.
  2. Click 'Mail'.
  3. In the email list, click on the left side of the emails you want to report as spam.
  4. Click 'Report Spam' on the top.
  5. In the 'Report Spam' window, select how to process the spam and whether to block the email addresses. Then click 'OK'.

Add a sender to the block list

You can add specific email addresses to the block list.

PC Web

  1. Click  on the top.
  2. Click 'Mail'.
  3. On the email content screen, click the sender's email address.
  4. Click 'Block'.
  5. Check the details and click 'OK'.
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