Share a calendar

This feature is available after applying for NAVER WORKS Core.

You can directly add members or create a URL to share the calendar.

You can check the calendars you shared or others have shared with you in My Calendar.

Add a member

Add members to share default or shared calendar.

You can grant authority to manage calendars or view events for each member.

Administrators can also edit the calendar members’ authorityin Admin.


  1. Tap 'My' on the top in Calendar, or tap and then 'My'.
  2. Tap and then 'Add and Set up Calendar'.
  3. Tap the calendar to share and access ‘Calendar Setting'.
  4. Under 'Calendar Setting', tap 'Shared members'. Then, search or select members to share a calendar from the organizational chart.
  5. Tap  on the right to the member to select the authority to grant.
  6. Tap.
  7. Tap 'Save' to apply changes.

PC Web

  1. In the Calendar’s 'My events mode', hover the mouse over the calendar you want to share in the menu on the left.
  2. Click .
  3. Select 'Calendar settings' to access 'Calendar settings'.
  4. In the search box of the ‘Shared members’, enter and then click the names of members you want to share the calendar.
  5. Click to grant specific authority to the members.
  6. After editing, click ‘Save' to apply changes.

You can grant the following authorities when sharing a calendar:

Permission to view only the time of all events Permission to view the detailed information of public events
(However, can only view the date and time of private events)
Permission to view, edit, and delete all events Permission to manage the calendar members
(Invite, delete, and grant access to other members)
View only the time of the event â—‹
View event details â—‹ â—‹
Manage events â—‹ â—‹ â—‹
Manage calendar and events â—‹ â—‹ â—‹ â—‹

Share calendars externally

This feature is available after applying for the Lite, Standard, or Standard Plus plan of NAVER WORKS Core.

You can create URL and HTML to share calendars externally in 'Calendar settings' for both the Default Calendar and Shared Calendars.

However, the corresponding menu will only be displayed in 'External sharing' when the administrator has enabled 'Calendar settings' in Admin.

You can share your NAVER WORKS calendar with external users using URL or HTML.

The types of URLs and HTML that can be shared are as follows:

Public URL You can enter the public URL in the browser address bar to view the schedule.
If you are a NAVER WORKS user, you can press 'Subscribe' to add the calendar to your list.
HTML You can insert the HTML into the web page to check the schedule.
iCal URL You can subscribe to the iCal URL from a different calendar service to check your schedule.

Share URL and HTML with external users

PC Web

  1. In the Calendar’s 'My events mode', hover the mouse over the calendar you want to share in the menu on the left.
  2. Click .
  3. Click 'Calendar settings'.
  4. Select 'External sharing' under 'Make available to public'.
  5. Select the access permissions for the user with whom you are sharing the calendar. However, if restricted by the administrator, you can only select '.View event date/time only'.
  6. Click 'Save' to save the changes.
  7. Click the icon next to the URL and HTML, to copy and share externally.

Reset URL and HTML

You can change previously shared URLs and HTML with a new link.

Once you reset the URL, access to the previously shared public URL, HTML, and iCal URL will no longer be available.

After resetting the URL, you will need to share the new URL and HTML with external users to share the schedule with them.

PC Web

  1. Hover over the calendar name on the left menu of 'View My Calendar'.
  2. Click .
  3. Click 'Calendar settings'.
  4. Click 'Reset public URLs and HTML, iCal URLs' under 'Reset URL'.
  5. Click 'Yes'.
  6. Click 'Save' to save the changes.

Stop external sharing

You can stop external sharing of calendars.

If you stop external sharing, you will not be able to access existing shared public URLs, HTML, and iCal URLs.

PC Web

  1. Hover over the calendar name on the left menu of 'View My Calendar'.
  2. Click .
  3. Click 'Calendar settings'.
  4. Unselect 'Make available to public'.
  5. Click 'Yes'.
  6. Click 'Save' to save the changes.

If you choose to re-enable 'Make available to public', the same URLs and HTML as before will be activated.

If you do not want to use the existing URLs and HTML, you will need to reset the URL.

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