Template draft

The content filled in a template can be saved temporarily.

Temporarily saved templates can be continued by going to the ‘Drafts’ in the 'Main' tab of the template list page.

Temporarily save a template


  1. Select the template to write on the template list page.
  2. While writing in a template, tap on the top left.
  3. Tap ‘Save Draft’.

PC Web

  1. Select the template to write on the template list page.
  2. While writing in a template, click ‘Save Draft’ on the top right.

PC App

  1. Select the template to write on the template list page.
  2. While writing in a template, click ‘Save Draft’ on the top right.

Continuing a draft

Find temporarily saved templates in Drafts to continue.

You can continue filling in the templates you were working on in other message rooms, notes, or boards wherever you want.


  1. In the ‘Main’ tab of the template list page, tap 'Drafts'.
  2. Select the template document to continue.

PC Web

  1. In the ‘Main’ tab of the template list page, click 'Drafts'.
  2. Select the template document to continue.

PC App

  1. In the ‘Main’ tab of the template list page, click 'Drafts'.
  2. Select the template document to continue.
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