Add as or remove notice

This feature is available after applying for NAVER WORKS Core.

Posts marked as notices will appear in the 'Notice' section and can be pinned at the top of the message room.

All members of the message room can add or remove not only their own posts but also other people's posts from Note notices.

Members can either hide or remove the notice displayed on the top of the message room.

Add as notice

Add as notice when creating a new post

You can immediately add a post as notice when posting.


  1. Tap in the message room.
  2. Tap 'Note'.
  3. Tap .
  4. Tap    and then ‘Post Settings’.
  5. Turn on 'Set as Note Notice'.
    When posting, ‘Do you want to send a notification to the message room and post it as a message room notice?’ will be displayed. If you press 'Yes', it will also be added as a message room notice. If you press 'No', it will only be added as a Note notice.

PC Web

  1. Click on the top.
  2. Click 'Message'.
  3. Click a message room from the message room list.
  4. Click 'Write' on the right.
  5. Select 'Set as Note Notice' on the top.
  6. When saving the post, if you check 'Send a notification to the message room and post as message room notice’, the post will be added as a message room notice. If not checked, it will only be added as a Note notice.

Add an existing post as notice


  1. Tap the post you want to add as a notice.
  2. Tap  .
  3. Tap 'Set as Note Notice'.
  4. 'Post as a notice in Note. Do you want to post it as the message room notice as well? A notification will be sent to the message room upon posting.' will be displayed. If you press 'Yes', post will also be added as a message room notice. If you press 'No', post will only be added as a Note notice.

PC Web

  1. Click on the top.
  2. Click 'Message'.
  3. Click a message room from the message room list.
  4. In the 'Note' tab on the right, click the post to add as notice from the list.
  5. Click on the top right of the post.
  6. Click 'Set as Note Notice'.
  7. Click 'Confirm'.
    If you select ‘Send a notification to the message room and post as message room notice’, it will be added as a message room notice. If not selected, it will only be added as a Note notice.

The post will be automatically shared as a notice in the message room.

Remove Note notice

Members, including the ones who wrote the post, can remove posts from notice.

Note notices displayed in the message room can be removed.


  1. Tap the post you want to remove as notice.
  2. Tap   .
  3. Tap 'Remove Note Notice'.

PC Web

  1. Click on the top.
  2. Click 'Message'.
  3. Click a message room from the message room list.
  4. In the 'Note' tab on the right, click the post to remove from notice.
  5. Click on the top right of the post.
  6. Click 'Remove Note Notice'.
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