Edit your responses

This feature is available after applying for NAVER WORKS Core.

You can edit the responses you have already submitted if the form allows you to edit your responses.

Edit your responses

You can edit the responses you have already submitted.


  1. Tap    in Form.
  2. Tap 'Received Form'.
  3. Tap the form you want to edit your response.
  4. Tap    and then tap 'Edit response'.
  5. Edit your response, and tap 'Submit'.

PC Web

  1. Click 'Received Form' in Form.
  2. Click the form you want to edit your response.
  3. Click    and then 'Edit response'.
  4. Edit your response, and click 'Submit'.

However, you cannot edit your responses once the form period has ended.

Change multiple responses


  1. Tap    in Form.
  2. Tap 'Received Form'.
  3. Tap the form you want to edit your response.
  4. Tap 'Response time'.
  5. Select the responses you want to edit, and tap 'OK'.
  6. Tap    and then 'Edit response'.
  7. Edit your response, and tap 'Submit'.

PC Web

  1. Click 'Received Form' in Form.
  2. Click the form you want to edit your response.
  3. Click 'Response time'.
  4. Select the response you want to edit and click 'OK'.
  5. Edit your response, and click 'Edit response'.
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