Track with read receipt or recall an email

This feature is available after applying for the Standard or Standard Plus plan of NAVER WORKS Core.

After sending an email, you can check whether the recipients have read the email. You can also recall an email you sent.

Track email with read receipts

After sending an email, you can check whether the recipients have read the email.


  1. Tap  in Mail.
  2. Tap 'Tracking'.
  3. Tap an email to check the time when each recipient has read the email.

PC Web

  1. Click  on the top.
  2. Click 'Mail'.
  3. Click 'Tracking' on the left menu.
  4. Check whether the recipients have read the email and the time.

You can only use this feature when the administrator has enabled the email read receipt setting.

You can also track emails sent using your subdomain.

However, you cannot track read receipts for the following.

  • When you write and send an email in text mode
  • When the recipient checks the email with the setting not to display the image of the email body

Recall an email

You can recall an email if the email was sent to the NAVER WORKS email account that you belong. You can also cancel scheduled emails if they have not been sent yet.

When you recall an email, the email will be deleted from the recipient’s mailbox.


  1. Tap  in Mail.
  2. Tap 'Tracking'.
  3. Tap the email and 'Recall' of each recipient.

PC Web

  1. Click  on the top.
  2. Click 'Mail'.
  3. Click 'Tracking' on the left menu.
  4. Click 'Recall' on the right side of the email you want to recall.

You can recall an email within 24 hours from the time of delivery regardless of whether the recipients have read or not read the email. After 24 hours, you can only recall an email if the recipients have not read the email.


You cannot recall an email in the following situations:

  • Emails sent to an email address with a different NAVER WORKS email account from which you belong to (i.e., emails sent to an external email address).
  • 24 hours have passed since the time of delivery, and the recipients have read the email
  • Invitation emails
  • The recipient has blocked the sender
  • The account of the recipient was deleted
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