Search by text within documents or images

This feature is available after applying for WORKS Drive or the Standard or Standard Plus plan of NAVER WORKS Core.

You can find a file by searching up the texts in the document or image saved in Drive.

The extensions of files that support body text search are as follows.

Document Text

  • Supported extenstions
    • MS Office files (.doc, .docx, .ppt, .pptx, .xls, .xlsx)
    • PDF file (.pdf)
    • Hangul files (.hwp, .hwpx)
    • Text files (.txt, .rtf, .xml)
  • Supported search languages: English, Korean, Japanese, Simplified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese.

Image Text

  • Supported extensions
    • Image file (.jpg, .jpeg, .png, .tiff, .tif, .gif, .svg, .webp, .heic, .bmp, .psd)
  • Supported search languages: Korean, Japanese, and Simplified Chinese
  • Files under 100 MB only

Files will appear in search results approximately 1 minute after uploading.


  1. Tap  on the top right of the Drive screen.
  2. Enter the keywords in the search field.
  3. Tap ‘Text’.

PC Web

  1. Click  on the top.
  2. Click 'Drive'.
  3. Enter the keywords in the search field.
  4. Click 'Content'.

Drive App

  1. Tap on the top.
  2. Enter the keywords in the search field.
  3. Tap 'Content'.
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