Mobile external Mail sync

This function is only available when using the Standard plan with a domain instead of a group name, or Advanced plan users do not use NAVER WORKS Mail.

With the NAVER WORKS mobile app, you can receive emails from mail services other than NAVER WORKS such as Google Workspace and Microsoft 365.

This is useful when you want to continue using the existing mail service on the NAVER WORKS mobile app. NAVER WORKS services such as messages are compatible with the mail service you have been using.

The following are the conditions to use mobile external mail sync.

  • When using the Standard plan with a domain
  • If you do not use NAVER WORKS Mail services as a Standard or Standard Plus plan user
  • If the email addresses of the NAVER WORKS account and the external mail service in use are the same
    • When a member with NAVER WORKS ID “” is syncing an external mail, the external email must be the same ( to use the Mail sync function.
    • If the ID ( or domain ( is different, external mail sync is unavailable.
  • If the domain provided by NAVER WORKS is not used as the default domain

To use, set as the following.


  1. Select 'Security' from the left to expand the menu and press 'Service Authority' to access the page. On mobile, tap the button to access the menus. 
  2. Tap  on the right side of 'Default' and then press 'Edit' to access the 'Service usage authority' page. 
  3. Turn on the 'Sync external emails' function to 'Use'.
  4. Press the 'Server Settings' button that became available.
  5. Select External mail server and press 'Save' on the bottom.
    • If you use Google Workspace, Microsoft 365 mail service: Press to select the service.
    • If you are using a mail service other than the two: Press 'Set manually' and enter the information.
      • IMAP: Enter the inbound mail server information.
      • SMTP: Enter the outbound mail server
  6. After changing the setting, press the 'Save' at the top right to apply changes.

PC Web

  1. Select 'Security' from the left to expand the menu and click 'Service Authority' to access the page.
  2. Click 'Default' from the Authority template list.
  3. Click 'Edit' at the top right from the 'Authority Settings' to access the edit mode.
  4. Turn on the 'Sync external emails' to 'Use'.
  5. Click the 'Server Settings' button that became available.
  6. Select External mail server and click 'Save' on the bottom.
    • If you use Google Workspace, Microsoft 365 mail service: Click to select the service.
    • If you are using a mail service other than the two: Click 'Set manually' and enter the information.
      • IMAP: Enter the inbound mail server information.
      • SMTP: Enter the outbound mail server information.
  7. After changing the setting, click the 'Save' at the top right to apply changes.

After changing the settings, external mail sync will be complete when a member logged in to the mobile app taps 'Sync External Email' on the Mail screen and enters the login information.

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