Calendar types

This feature is available after applying for NAVER WORKS Core.

NAVER WORKS Calendar offers the following types of calendar:

  • My Calendar
  • Company Calendar
  • Message Room Calendar

My Calendar

The following are the types of My Calendar:

  • Default calendar
  • The calendar you are sharing or shared by others
  • Task Calendar

Default calendar

It refers to the default calendar provided to all members automatically.

You will view the default calendar of each member when checking members' schedules or available time to create an event.

The calendar you are sharing or shared by others

It refers to the calendar shared by others or created and shared with other members by you.

  • Shared calendar
  • Public calendar
  • Subscribed calendar
  • External subscription calendar

Task calendar

It refers to a calendar automatically available to all members who can use Calendar and Task services.

You can check tasks you received and sent with a deadline in the calendar for Task.

However, in Message Room Task, only tasks you are in charge or requester are displayed.

Company Calendar

Company Calendar is a calendar created by the administrator and can be viewed by all members. However, members cannot edit or delete events added by the administrator.

Company Calendar is located on the bottom of My Calendar. The company name or the group name set by the administrator will serve as the calendar's name.

The administrator can set whether to use the Company Calendar and manage events in Manage a Company Calendar of Admin.

Message Room Calendar

Message Room Calendar is a calendar that allows you to share schedules among members of General Message Room or Team/Group Message Rooms.

All members can freely create, edit, or delete events.

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