
In NAVER WORKS, you can add important information or frequently used functions as widgets and view them on the Home screen.

List of widgets

Service Name Description
Collaboration Today You can gather the important tasks you need to work on today.

The following information for each service will be loaded.

  • Board: Up to 1 unread must-read post
  • Calendar: Today’s event
  • Task: Up to 2 incomplete tasks due today
  • Form: Up to 1 form awaiting response, with a deadline set for today
Add Contact You can quickly access the screen to add internal or external users.
The widget is displayed only if the member has the permission to invite or chat with external users.

  • Add company members: Add company members to your organization chart
  • Collaborate with external people: Add a LINE user or an external NAVER WORKS user as a contact
Business Support There are widgets for Approval, My Work, etc. For more information, please refer to the Business Support widget guide.

Widget settings

You can set whether to use the widget and the order.


  1. Tap 'Home' on the bottom.
  2. Tap .
  3. Tap 'Widget Settings'.
  4. Set the widget to display in 'Home'.
    • Widgets Added to Home: These are the widgets currently being displayed. You can tap in 'Hidden Widgets' to add a widget to display.
    • Hidden Widgets: These are the widgets that are not displayed.
      • Android: For the widgets to hide, tap icon in 'Widgets Added to Home'.
      • iOS: For the widgets to hide, tap icon in 'Widgets Added to Home' and then 'Delete’.
  5. To adjust the order, tap and hold   and place it.
  6. Tap 'Save'.
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