Send a reminder for the post

This feature is available after applying for NAVER WORKS Core or WORKS Approval.

You can send a reminder via push or pop-up notification to the members who have not read the post yet.


  1. Open a post and tap 'Read'.
  2. Tap the 'Unread' tab on Read Member.
  3. Tap 'Re-Notify'.
  4. Tap  to send a reminder to all the members who have not read the post yet, or select specific members and tap  to send a reminder for the post via push or pop-up notification.

PC Web

  1. Click on the top.
  2. Click 'Board'.
  3. Click the post you want to send a reminder to the members who have not read it yet.
  4. Click 'Read'.
  5. Click the 'Unread' tab.
  6. Click 'Re-Notify'.
  7. Select specific members or click 'Send to all'.
  8. Click 'Send' to send the reminder.
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