Delete members

Delete members who no longer work for the company.

When you delete a member, the service will no longer be available for that member's account.

You can restore a deleted member's account for only up to 7 days as all information is deleted afterward.

Information on the member's absence setting will not be restored even after canceling the delete.

If you want to completely delete a member's information within 7 days after deleting, you can permanently delete them. As soon as the member is permanently deleted, the information is completely deleted and cannot be restored.

Delete a member from the 'Member Information' page

Delete a member from the member information page.

  1. In the left menu of Admin, select 'Member' to expand the menu, then click 'Member' to go to 'Member'. On mobile, tap to open the menu.
  2. Select a member to delete and go to the 'Member Information' page.
  3. Press 'More' at the top right and select 'Delete Account'. On mobile, tap at the top right and then 'Delete Account'.
  4. Read the precautions and then press 'Delete' to complete.

Delete members from the member list

Delete multiple members at once.

  1. In the left menu of Admin, select 'Member' to expand the menu, then click 'Member' to go to 'Member'. On mobile, tap to open the menu.
  2. Check at the left of the profile photo of a member you want to delete.
  3. Press 'Delete' at the top of the member list.
  4. Read the precautions and then press 'Delete' to complete.

Permanently delete a member from the 'Member Information' page

Permanently delete members within 7 days after deleting.

However, you can only permanently delete members who were already deleted.

  1. In the left menu of Admin, select 'Member' to expand the menu, then click 'Member' to go to 'Member'. On mobile, tap to open the menu.
  2. Select a member to delete and go to the 'Member Information' page.
  3. Press 'More' at the top right and select 'Delete Permanently'. On mobile, tap at the top right and then 'Delete Permanently'.
  4. Read the precautions and then press 'Yes' to complete.

Permanently delete members from the member list

Permanently delete members within 7 days after deleting.

However, you can only permanently delete members who were already deleted.

  1. In the left menu of Admin, select 'Member' to expand the menu, then click 'Member' to go to 'Member'. On mobile, tap to open the menu.
  2. Press 'Delete Permanently' on the account status of the member to permanently delete from the member list.
  3. Read the precautions and then press 'Yes' to complete.
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