NAVER WORKS Board is where you can share company news and information with your team members. You can encourage active communication by creating boards for various purposes.
Board Types
Boards are classified into two types: public boards, which can be viewed by all members, and member boards, which are accessible only to specific members based on their access permissions. Only administrators can create boards, while both administrators and board managers can manage board names, types, and permission settings.
What can you do with Board?
# Post and comment
Enhance your posts with by attaching photos, videos, and stickers. We also offer various types of templates for users. In the comment area, you can ‘@’ mention other members and communicate actively using LINE stickers.
# Mark as must-read post
Important posts that all company members need to read can be set as must-read and will be displayed at the top of the first page of the board.
# Read confirmation and send reminder
Post authors can check the list of members who have read or have not read the post. You can encourage the members who haven't read the post yet by sending them a reminder.
# Delete or restore post
You can delete posts you wrote previously. Deleted posts can be restored from the Trash.