Template use cases to take note of for fast documentation

Templates help you write documents faster without missing any information.
Are you worried about finding the right template for your company?
Here are some examples of how templates can be used for various kinds of work purposes.


1. Business report template

Business reports need a detailed process description of the task.
Are you writing everything from scratch every day by chance?
Organize the common contents that are always included such as business hours, task content, and task type to create a template.
It will save you time in writing a report and help you organize your tasks better.

Take record of workdays and task details
Report task start time while working at home
Report task end time while working at home

2. Call note template

When you’re writing a note after a call, it's easy to miss some important details that you can’t remember.
This is when you can use a call note template.
Open the template on PC or mobile and simply record all the customer's requests without missing any information.
Create a template by adding appropriate items depending on the business, such as education or beauty.

Call notes with the call destination, date and time
Academy student counseling record
Hair salon customer reservation

3. Work request template

Are you filling out quotation requests that differ all the time because you don’t have a standard format?
Create various work request forms as templates, such as a quotation request form and material order forms.
Don’t miss anything you need and quickly finish requests.

Fashion company quotation request form
Construction company material purchase order form
Design team detail page work request

4. Application template

Applications tend to require overlapping information.
Create a template so the same information will be entered by different applicants.
Easily fill out work device and telecommuting/vacation applications and get approvals up to speed.

Internal work device application
Telecommuting application

5. Inventory management template

Do you manually keep track of products or materials in the inventory?
Use templates to manage your inventory.
Keep an accurate record of products and quantities, and save incoming and outgoing quantities without missing anything.

Food company quantity record
Logistics company inventory management

6. Other

There are many areas where templates can be used, including meeting notes, sales reports, and health self-diagnosis forms.
Create templates for your company and share them with colleagues.

Learn more about how to create templates.

Meeting notes with agenda, date, time, and attendees
Store sales status report
COVID-19 health symptoms self-diagnosis

Use templates for efficient documentation without missing any important information.
Save time for bigger results with NAVER WORKS templates.

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