This feature is available after applying for NAVER WORKS Core or WORKS Approval.
Check the number of registered external contacts.
You can search by specifying the period and download it as an Excel file.
- In the left menu of Admin, select 'Statistics'. On mobile, tap
to open the menu.
- Select 'Contacts' and go to the 'External Contacts' tab.
External Contacts (Real-time)
You can check the status of your contacts in real-time.
- In Use: Sum of clients/partners contacts currently registered in Contacts and Trash
- Available: Number of additional contacts you can register
- All: Maximum number of clients/partners contacts that can be registered
Usage by external contact type
You can check statistics by type of external contacts contact registered in Contacts.
The types of external contacts include 'LINE contacts', 'NAVER WORKS contacts from other companies', and 'General contacts'.
Contacts usage by date
You can check the status of registered contacts by date.
- All: If you select all, each item is stacked and displayed on the chart.
- View: Select a specific period or enter the search period directly. Then press 'View' to see the statistics. You can only search for data created less than a year.
- Download: Tap 'Download' at the top right of the screen to download the contact usage data by date as an Excel file.