Delete group

Select a group to delete.

You can delete groups with members remaining.

If you delete a group, all conversation history, group email addresses, and data from Note, Event, Folder, and other functions in use will be deleted.

Deleting an external group that your company takes part in deletes the external group from all the companies included.

Delete group from the Group page

Delete a group from the list on the 'Group' page. You can delete multiple groups at once.

  1. Select 'Member' from the left to expand the menu and press 'Group' to access the page. On mobile, tap the button to access the menus. 
  2. Check on the left of the group to delete from the group list.
  3. Press 'Delete' on the top left.
  4. Check the precautions from the dialogue box and press 'OK'.

Delete group from the Group info page

Delete a group in the group info page.

  1. Select 'Member' from the left to expand the menu and press 'Group' to access the page. On mobile, tap the button to access the menus. 
  2. Press the group to delete and access 'Group info' or 'External group information'.
  3. Press 'Delete group'.
  4. Check the precautions from the dialogue box and press 'OK'.
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