Download member information

Download all registered members' information in .xlsv or .csv format.

PC Web

  1. Select 'Member' from the left menu of Admin and then click 'Member' to access the page.
  2. Click 'More' at the top right of the screen to go to the 'Download Member Information' page.
    • File format: You can choose between CSV or XLSX format.
      • CSV format: A text file format that uses a comma to separate values and is usable in Outlook.
      • XLSX format: A common Excel file that has various editing available. It can be used for Contacts related services.
    • Member information: You can select and download only the items you need.
    • Select organization: You can select and download the information on the entire organization and only the ones you need.
  3. After selecting the required items, click 'Download' at the top right.
  4. When the file is ready to download, a service notification message will arrive. Tap 'Download file' in the message to download.
    • The file download link will expire after 5 days.
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