Mini-profile overview

The mini-profile is a profile within Admin for checking and taking care of member-related tasks efficiently.

In Admin, it is hard to identify members with the same names or when there are no profile pictures.

In mini-profile, administrators can easily identify members and conduct member-related tasks with features such as Change Password and Set Leave of Absence.

Press where members in Admin are displayed to view the following mini-profile.

The mini-profile is visible to all administrators and provides the following information to identify members.

  • Photo
  • Name (Name in multi-language)
  • Job level
  • Main organization/Job position
  • Member status (Awaiting, In use, Pending, Suspended, Deleted)

In addition to member information, mini-profile provides the following features: Change Password, Suspended, Block App Usage, Set Leave of Absence, Change ID, Delete Account.

Only the administrators with authority to access the Admin's 'Member' menu can use the above functions. The functions allow administrators to access frequently used functions for member management and quickly respond to urgent security issues. Each function is also available in the Admin's 'Member Information'. Press 'More' at the bottom of the mini-profile to access the 'Member Information' page.

However, only the members with granted access to the 'Member' menu can view the 'Member Information' page.

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