Bulk reset passwords

You can reset the passwords of multiple members at once.

There are two ways to reset:

  • Change now: Reset all members' passwords to the same new password.
  • Request to change: Send a password change request to all members.

However, when choosing  to change now, you must pay attention to the following.

  • If members are required to change their passwords, first force a password change for security, then send a change request again.
  • Members who have not registered their ID/password after signing up using the Quick Login method are excluded from forced change.
  • All members will be logged out within a maximum of 5 minutes and must log in with the password set by the administrator.
  • You must personally deliver new passwords to members, or direct them to find and reset their passwords.
  • However, members without a mobile phone number or personal email cannot find their password.
  1. Select 'Member' from the left menu of Admin and press 'Member'. On mobile, tap and menu will appear.
  2. From the member list, select members to reset password.
  3. Press 'Batch reset passwords' on the top.
  4. Read the precautions in the reset window and press 'OK'.
  5. Reset your password by selecting a password change method between 'Force change' and 'Request change'.
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