Edit team information

Edit the information of the added team. You can change the team's basic information, including the team name, as well as the settings for features available in the team's message rooms.

For descriptions of each field in the team information, please refer to 'Add team'.

  1. In the left menu of Admin, select 'Member' to expand the menu, then click 'Team' to go to 'Team'. On mobile, tap to open the menu.
  2. Select the team to edit from the team list and open the 'Organizational profile' window.
    • By selecting 'Edit' following the selection of 'Organizational profile', you can make changes to the details you provided when initially creating the team.
    • By selecting 'Change organizational head' following the selection of 'Member', you can change the team leader. The member must be added to the team in advance to become the team leader.
  3. Press 'Save' to complete the editing of the team information.
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