Manage exceptions

This feature is available after applying for WORKS Drive or the Lite, Standard, or Standard Plus plan of NAVER WORKS Core.

You can manage the list of members to exclude from monitoring.

Members registered in the Manage exceptions list will be excluded from the monitoring policies below.

  • Receiving message: If members registered in the exception management list are included in 'Recipient' of the message monitoring policy, messages received by this member will not remain in the message monitoring history.
  • Sending message: If members registered in the exception management list are included in 'Sender' of the message monitoring policy, messages sent by this member will not remain in the message monitoring history.
  • Received Mail: If members registered in the exception management list are included in 'Recipient' of the incoming email monitoring policy, the email received by this member will not remain in the incoming email monitoring policy.
  • Sent Mail: If members registered in the exception management list are included in 'Sender' of the outgoing email monitoring policy, the mail sent by this member will not remain in the outgoing email monitoring history.
  • Drive: If members registered in the exception management list are included in 'Appoint members' of the Drive monitoring policy, the records of file uploads, downloads, and link sharing of this member will not remain in the Drive monitoring history.

Add a member to the Manage exceptions list

Add a member to the Manage exceptions list to exclude that member from monitoring policies.

You can add up to 200 members.

  1. Select ‘Monitoring’ from the left menu of Admin to open the menu. Tap  to open the menu on mobile.
  2. Select ‘Manage exceptions’.
  3. Press ‘Add member’ at the top right.
  4. Select the member to add and press ‘OK’.

Delete a member from the Manage exceptions list

Delete a member from the Manage exceptions list to immediately add that member as a target for monitoring policies.

  1. Select ‘Monitoring’ from the left menu of Admin to open the menu. Tap  to open the menu on mobile.
  2. Select ‘Manage exceptions’.
  3.  Press ‘Delete’ on the right of the member to delete from the list. To delete multiple members at once, select the members and press ‘Delete’.

Search a member from the exception list

Search for a member registered in the Manage exceptions list.

  1. Select ‘Monitoring’ from the left menu of Admin to open the menu. Tap  to open the menu on mobile.
  2. Select ‘Manage exceptions’.
  3. Press  at the top right.
  4. Enter the member’s name or account to search.
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