If you are using a professional MDM (Mobile Device Management) solution, you can configure the NAVER WORKS '3rd-party MDM sync' setting to allow access to the NAVER WORKS mobile app only on devices managed by the external MDM solution.
Reminders before activating
- This feature is only available if you are using an external MDM solution, not the one offered by NAVER WORKS. It cannot be used alongside NAVER WORKS MDM.
(Changing the external MDM integration to 'Use' will delete all previously set NAVER WORKS MDM exception management settings.) - This feature utilizes the (Managed) App Configuration method of the MDM Framework. Before activating this feature, you must first ensure that your MDM solution supports Managed App Configuration settings.
- For devices running Android OS, this feature is only available in the Android Enterprise environment. If you have members using Android devices, or if you provide Android devices as work devices, you must first set up an Android Enterprise environment.
- Once this feature is activated, all members will be forcibly logged out of the mobile app. From that point on, they can log in only if the Key Value is linked through the external MDM solution. You should familiarize yourself with the process before activating this feature.
Integration process
To utilize the integration process, administrators must first activate the feature in the NAVER WORKS Admin. Then, they should configure the App Configuration for the NAVER WORKS app in the MDM solution's admin console.
- In NAVER WORKS Admin, activate the external MDM integration and issue the Key Value.
- Register the NAVER WORKS app as a managed app in the console of the external MDM solution.
- In the console of the external MDM solution, register the App Configuration issued by NAVER WORKS Admin for the NAVER WORKS app.
- App Configuration Key: LineworksAuthCode
- App Configuration Type: String/Text format
- App Configuration Value: A unique value issued by NAVER WORKS Admin
- Below is an explanation of each term.
Term Description Configuration Key - This is the configuration key used in Managed App Configuration.
- The configuration key for external MDM sync in NAVER WORKS is LineworksAuthCode.
Value Type - This is the format of the Key Value used in Managed App Configuration.
- The Key Value for NAVER WORKS external MDM sync uses the 'String' (Text) format.
Key Value - This is the Key Value used in Managed App Configuration.
- Issued in NAVER WORKS Admin, it can be generated automatically or entered directly.
- Auto-generate: Admin uses the automatically generated Key Value.
- Custom value: This is useful when you want to use the same Key Value within the corporate group or when a Key Value was generated in advance and later entered into the external MDM console.
- From the external MDM solution console, deploy the NAVER WORKS app to members' devices, or have each member install the NAVER WORKS app through the external MDM.
Once the Key (LineworksAuthCode) and Value (unique value for each domain) of the App Configuration are successfully linked to the NAVER WORKS app as described in step 3, the user will be able to log into the NAVER WORKS mobile app.
The guides below are all for step 1. Steps 2 to 4 are for settings in each MDM solution. Since each solution requires a different method of setting, you need to refer to the instructions of each solution or contact the solution provider.
User settings
If you activate the external MDM integration and save, all members will be forced to log out of the mobile app within a maximum of 10 minutes. They will only be able to access the mobile app if the correct Key Value has been linked to the mobile app through the external MDM.
App Configuration settings must be completed in the external MDM console before or after activating the external MDM integration (according to steps 2 to 4 of the external MDM integration implementation process).
NAVER WORKS Admin should be set up as follows:
- In the left menu of Admin, select 'Security' to expand the menu, then go 'Mobile Security'. On mobile, tap
to open the menu.
- Press 'Advanced' at the bottom of the screen to expand advanced features, including the '3rd-party MDM sync' setting.
- Press the 'Manage' button on the right to go to the settings screen.
- Open and enable '3rd-party MDM sync’.
- Check the precautions and press 'OK'.
- Choose whether to restrict logging into other domains.
- A new Key Value has been automatically issued. If you want to set the Key Value yourself, you can select 'Custom value' and enter a new value.
- Press the 'Save' button at the top right to save your changes.
Reissue the Key Value
If the Key Value was leaked or the company policy has changed, you can issue a new Key Value.
If the Key Value is reissued and saved, all members are forcibly logged out of the mobile app within 10 minutes, and the mobile app can only be used when the new Key Value is linked through the external MDM.
Before or after changing the Key Value (according to steps 2 to 4 of the external MDM integration process), the app configuration must be updated with the Key Value reissued from the external MDM console.
- In the left menu of Admin, select 'Security' to expand the menu, then go 'Mobile Security'. On mobile, tap
to open the menu.
- Press 'Advanced' at the bottom of the screen to expand advanced features, including the '3rd-party MDM sync' setting.
- Press the 'Manage' button on the right to go to the settings screen.
- 'Auto-generate' for Key Value: Press the 'Re-issue' button at the right of the input field.
- 'Custom value' for Key Value: Remove the existing value and enter a new value.
- Click the 'Save' button at the top to save your changes.
Restrict logging into other domain
If you enable this option while using the external MDM integration function, you can block logins with NAVER WORKS accounts belonging to other domains/groups on mobile devices managed by the external MDM function.
Before activating 'Restrict login with other domain account', you need to familiarize yourself with the information below:
- To use this function, you must set a unique Key Value that does not overlap with other domains, including that of the same group company.
- After enabling this option, you cannot log into the accounts that belong to other domains/groups.
- When this option is enabled, accounts that are not in the same NAVER WORKS domain/group will be automatically logged out within 10 minutes on devices managed with the same Key Value. However, accounts will be logged out immediately only if at least one account belonging to this domain/group is logged in. If the account belonging to this device is not logged in while an account of other domain/group is logged in, the other domain/group accounts are logged out at the time when an account belonging to this domain/group is logged in.
Disable the function
If you no longer want to control access through an external MDM integration, disable the external MDM integration settings.
However, even if this feature is disabled, Configuration Keys that have already been linked through the MDM solution will not be automatically disabled.
- In the left menu of Admin, select 'Security' to expand the menu, then go 'Mobile Security'. On mobile, tap
to open the menu.
- Press 'Advanced' at the bottom of the screen to expand advanced features, including the '3rd-party MDM sync' setting.
- Press the 'Manage' button on the right to go to the settings screen.
- Open '3rd-party MDM sync' and disable the function.
- Click the 'Save' button at the top to save your changes.