Company Information

View and edit your company information.

Edit company profile

View and add the names and phone numbers of companies and organizations that use NAVER WORKS. You can edit the saved information.

  1. Select 'Settings' from the left to expand the menu and press 'Company Information' to access the page. On mobile, tap the button to access the menus. 
  2. Go to 'Company Profile'.

Change domain or group name

This is the group or domain name you entered to register. You can change the domain or group name after the registration process.

Change your domain

The Supreme admin can change the domain that was used to register. Press the 'Change' button to access the 'Domain' menu and change a saved subdomain as a default domain. When you switch domains, all members' accounts are changed to 'ID@ (new default domain)'.

Change a group name

The Supreme admin can change the group name that was used to register.

Once the group name has been changed, you cannot change it again within 24 hours. Also, every member will be instantly signed out and required to sign in using the ID with the new group name.

Add personal emails of every member to notify information changes conveniently. The information change will be sent to personal emails automatically.

  1. Press 'Change' on the right side of the group name.
  2. Check precautions and press 'Change group name' after entering the new group name. The group name must be 2~22 characters long and can include among lowercase English letters (a-z), numbers (0-9) and hyphens. Also, you cannot use the group name that is already in use. You cannot include 'worksmobile' and 'lineworks' in group names or name the group as 'line' or 'admin'.
  3. Press 'Change group name' after checking precautions.
  4. Press 'OK'.

Once the group name is changed successfully, an email and SMS are sent accordingly to the Supreme admin’s personal email address and registered phone number.

Enter a company/organization name

Enter a company or organization name.

Select 'Advanced' from the bottom of the page to apply your language of use and select 'Company name' to add the company·organization name in the language of your choice.

  1. Enter your company’s name on the 'Company name' field of the 'Company Profile' section.
    • Can have up to 40 characters
    • Cannot have certain special characters
  2. At the top right, press 'Save'.

Changes made in company·organization name will apply to the Invoice.

Enter phone numbers

Enter the company’s main phone number.

  1. Enter the company’s main phone number in the 'Phone number' entry field of the 'Company Profile' section.
    • Can have up to 30 characters
    • Can include numbers, -, *, +, P, T, (, )
  2. At the top right, press 'Save'.

Language・Time Zone/Region settings

You can change the display language and time zone for NAVER WORKS services.

  1. Select 'Settings' from the left to expand the menu and press 'Company Information' to access the page. On mobile, tap the    button to access the menus.
  2. Go to 'Language・Time Zone/Region'.

Language setting

When a member of the company signs in for the first time, select the display language on the PC web screen. The first default language is set as Korean.

However, for the mobile and PC app, the language set on the device is displayed automatically.

  1. Select the display language from the 'Language' field of the 'Language・Time Zone/Region' section.
  2. At the top right, press 'Save'.

Select a language from the member information section to change the PC web display language of a specific member of the company.

Time zone/Region setting

Select the time zone for the region where the service is used. 'Seoul, Korea (GMT+09:00)' is set as the default time zone.

  1. Select the time zone from the 'Time Zone/Region' field of the 'Language・Time Zone/Region' section.
  2. Search the country or city name in Korean.
  3. At the top right, press 'Save'.

Official account notification setting

Set whether to receive message notifications from the NAVER WORKS official account.

Notifications from the NAVER WORKS official account include NAVER WORKS service updates.

  1. Select 'Settings' from the left to expand the menu and press 'Company Information' to access the page. On mobile, tap the    button to access the menus. 
  2. Go to 'Notifications on Official Account'.

Notification on/off setting

Set whether to receive message notifications from the NAVER WORKS official account.

  1. Select whether to receive notifications from the 'Notifications' field of the 'Notifications on Official Account' section.
  2. At the top right, press 'Save'.

Notification preferences

Set the notification preferences if you chose to receive notifications from the official NAVER WORKS account.

  1. Select one of the below from the 'Range to receive' field of the 'Notifications on Official Account' section.
    a. Admin members only: Only the administrators with the Admin authority receive the notifications.
    b. All members: All members of the company, including the Admins, receive the notifications.
  2. At the top right, press 'Save'.

Advanced setting (Multi-language)

When multi-language is enabled, information within the NAVER WORKS service is displayed in the member's system language.

Enable multi-language

  1. Select 'Settings' from the left to expand the menu and press 'Company Information' to access the page. On mobile, tap the button to access the menus. 
  2. At the bottom, press 'Advanced'.
  3. Select 'Use' under 'Set Multi-language'.
  4. Press 'Add Language'.
  5. Select the languages to display as multilingual in the order you want and press 'OK'.
    • Language 1 ~ Language 5: Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese(CHN), and Chinese(TWN)

6. Press 'Save' on the bottom left or top right.

To change the order of languages, drag them to the desired location.

Press on the right to the language to delete.

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