Mark or unmark as must-read

This feature is available after applying for NAVER WORKS Core or WORKS Approval.

You can set posts to must-read.

Must-read posts

Must-read posts are important posts that all members should read. These posts are marked with 'Must-Read' in the title and are displayed on the top of the posts list.

If a post is set as a must-read, it is marked with 'Must-Read' during its display period on the relevant board, and is displayed on the top of each board. There is no limit on the number of must-read posts. The latest must-read posts, 5 for PC Web and 3 for mobile app, are displayed on the top of the Board's main screen.

Mark or unmark as must-read

The post author can mark or unmark a post as a must-read. You can use this function when uploading a new post or editing an existing post.


  1. Tap    in the Write screen.
  2. Tap 'Must-Read'.
  3. Turn on 'Must-Read' and select the exposure period. The must-read posts can be exposed for up to 30 days from the start date.
  4. Tap  to save changes.

PC Web

  1. Click on the top.
  2. Click 'Board'.
  3. Click 'Write' in the menu on the left.
  4. Select a board, and enter a title and body.
  5. Check the 'Must-Read' checkbox and select the exposure period. You can set the exposure period up to 30 days from the start date.
  6. Click 'OK' to upload the must-read post.

The administrator or the Board Manager can also set posts written by other members as a must-read.

You can restrict must-read post creation permissions to only administrators and Board Managers in Admin.

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