Schedule a post

This feature is available after applying for NAVER WORKS Core or WORKS Approval.

You can schedule a post to publish on the time and date you want.

Also, you can check, edit, and cancel scheduled posts in 'My Posts'.

If publishing a scheduled post fails at the set time, you can check the failure message in 'My Posts'. The system will retry to publish the post every 10 minutes.

For scheduled posts marked as must-read, the must-read exposure period starts when the posts are published.

Schedule a post


  1. Tap 'Board' on the bottom and then .
  2. Select a board to publish the post.
  3. Tap   .
  4. Tap 'Schedule'.
  5. Turn on 'Schedule' and select the date and time you want the post to be published. You can select the time at 10-minute intervals.
  6. Tap  to save changes.

PC Web

  1. Click  on the top.
  2. Click 'Board'.
  3. Click 'Write' in the menu on the left.
  4. Click 'Schedule' and then select 'Use'.
  5. Select the date and time to publish and click 'OK'. You can select the time at 10-minute intervals.
  6. Select a board, and enter a title and body.
  7. Click 'Register' to upload the post.

You can check, edit, and cancel all scheduled posts in My Posts.

Edit a scheduled post

You can edit scheduled posts before the set publishing time.


  1. Tap 'Board' on the bottom.
  2. Tap   .
  3. Tap 'My Posts'.
  4. Tap the scheduled post to edit. A scheduled post is marked with .
  5. Tap    and then 'Edit'.
  6. Edit the content, and tap 'Save' to apply changes. Select 'Yes' to send the notification on a new post.

PC Web

  1. Click  on the top.
  2. Click 'Board'.
  3. Click 'My Posts' on the left menu.
  4. Click the scheduled post to edit. A scheduled post is marked with .
  5. Click 'Edit'.
  6. Edit the content, and click 'Publish' to apply changes. Select 'Send post upload notification' and then click 'OK' to send the notification on a new post.

If the set time is reached while editing the post, the post will be automatically uploaded.

Delete a scheduled post

You can delete scheduled posts before the set publishing time.


  1. Tap 'Board' on the bottom.
  2. Tap  .
  3. Tap 'My Posts'.
  4. Tap the scheduled post to delete. A scheduled post is marked with  .
  5. Tap    and then 'Delete'.

PC Web

  1. Click  on the top.
  2. Click 'Board'.
  3. Click 'My Posts' on the left menu.
  4. Click  on the left side of the post you want to delete.
  5. Click 'Delete'.
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