Search posts

This feature is available after applying for NAVER WORKS Core or WORKS Approval.

You can search for posts with the title, body, or post authors. You can also search with a file name and comment content.

You can select the scope of the search to all boards or each board.

If the search keywords are in comments and files,  and  will be highlighted in blue in the 'Post' tab.

Search posts


  1. Tap 'Board' on the bottom.
  2. Tap   on the top right.
  3. Enter keywords to search.

PC Web

  1. Click  on the top.
  2. Click 'Board'.
  3. Enter keywords in the 'Search post(s)' box on the top and press Enter on the keyboard to search.

Advanced search

You can perform an advanced search by specifying the board, content, writer, or whether to include attachment or comment in search results.


  1. Tap 'Board' on the bottom.
  2. Tap   on the top right.
  3. Tap 'Advanced'.
  4. You can refine the search results with advanced search.

PC Web

  1. Click  on the top.
  2. Click 'Board'.
  3. Click 'Search post(s)' on the right side of the 'Advanced' box on the top.
  4. Specify the 'Board', 'Body', 'Writer', and 'Dates    ' to perform advanced search.
  5. If the posts include an attachment, select 'Include attached file'.
  6. If you want to cancel the 'Comment included' section, uncheck the checkbox of 'Comment included' after entering the details.
  7. Click 'Search' to perform an advanced search.
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