You can share notes with other members.
However, if the administrator restricts you from creating notes, you cannot share notes. You can only view the shared note.
Share a note
Share notes with company members.
You can only share it with members within the same domain.
Shared members will receive the notification, and the note will be displayed in their 'Received notes' folder.
If you delete a shared link, all members can no longer access the notes.
- Tap
at the top right of the note you want to share.
- Select the shared link option.
- Password: Set a password for a note. If you do not want to use the password, select 'No password'.
- Start time: Divide sections of the note based on the entered time and share it.
- Allow access:Only allow members added in 'Access' to access the note.
- Â Tap 'Add user' at the bottom of 'Access' to add members. Added members will receive the notification, and the note will be displayed in their 'Received notes' folder.
Remove members whose access you want to restrict.
PC Web
- Click 'Share' at the top right of the note you want to share.
Select the shared link option.- Password: Set a password for a note. If you do not want to use the password, select 'No password'.
- Start time: Divide sections of the note based on the entered time and share it.
- Allow access:Only allow members added in 'Access' to access the note.
- Click 'Add user' at the bottom of 'Access' to add members. Added members will receive the notification, and the note will be displayed in their 'Received notes' folder.
Remove members whose access you want to restrict.
View members who have accessed the shared note
You can check a list of members who have accessed the shared note.
You can check members who have been restricted due to exceeding the maximum password attempts and grant access them.
- Tap
at the top right of the note.
- Tap the 'Access' tab to check the member list.
PC Web
- Click 'Share' at the top right of the note you want to share.
- Click the 'Access' tab to check the member list.
You can also check restricted members by clicking 'Restricted access accounts'. Click 'Allow' right to the member to allow access to the note again.
View notes shared with me
You can view notes shared with you.
You can only access it while logging in WORKS ClovaNote.
Open the link to check the note. Alternatively, the note is displayed in the folder when the access permission is granted.
If you are not permitted to access the link as the access permission has been changed, the note is deleted from your shared note folder.
However, only the note creator can edit and download it.
If a password is set, you must enter a password. Access may be restricted if the password is entered incorrectly more than a specific number of times.
The member who shared the note must allow restricted members again to access the note.
- Tap
at the bottom.
- Tap the 'Received notes' folder.
PC Web
Click the 'Received notes' folder from the list.