
This feature is available after applying for NAVER WORKS Core or WORKS Approval.

Group refers to a group of members you can communicate with and collaborate on projects or social clubs.

In the unit of Group, you can use message room and its features (Note, Event, Task, Folder), and Mailing List .

The member who creates the group becomes the Group Master, and the Group Master can change the group setting and manage group members.

Group types

There are three types of group as below:

  • All groups
  • Public group and private group
  • Group I Manage and Group I belong

All groups

The list of all groups is a list of 'Group I belong', 'Group I Manage', and 'All groups'.

  • Group I belong: The list of groups that you belong to
  • Group I Manage: The list of groups in which you are the Group Master
  • All groups: The list of all open groups, including 'Group I belong', and 'Group I Manage'

You can view the name and members of the group listed here, however, you cannot enter the group's message room.

You may not be a part of the groups, but you can send an email or an event invitation to all members of a specific group. If you want to join a group, you can send a request via email.

Open and private groups

Groups can be categorized into open groups and private groups depending on the privacy settings. Only the Group Masters of each group can change the privacy settings.

Users who do not belong to the group cannot see private groups in their list of all groups, search, and autocomplete results. You can find open groups you belong to in the list of all groups.

Groups I manage and the groups I belong to

Depending on your management level in the group, groups can be categorized into groups where you are the Group Master and groups where you are a member.

In Group of Contacts, you can view the groups where you are the Group Master in 'Group I Manage', and the groups where you are a member in 'Group I belong'.

Create a group

There are different ways to create a new group:

  • Create a group in Contacts
  • Convert a General Message Room to a group
  • The administrator creates a group in Admin

However, group creation may be limited depending on the administrator’s setting.

Create a group in Contacts


  1. Tap 'Contacts'.
  2. Tap .
  3. Tap 'Create Group'.
  4. When creating a group of only the company members, tap 'Create Group' on the group selection screen.
  5. Enter the group name and change the settings on Message, Note, Event, Task, Folder, and Group Notification.
    • Group Type
      • Select 'External' to create a group with users from other companies.
        However, this function requires authority.
    • Basic group information
      • Group Profile: Register a group profile.
      • Group Name: Enter a name for the group. You can enter up to 100 characters for the group name.
      • Group Description: Enter a description for the group.
      • Group Member: You can add Group Masters and members. The member who created the group becomes the Group Master and is automatically set as a member. You can add and delete multiple Group Masters and members.
    • Message room features setting
      • Tap 'Message room features' to set whether to use Message, Note, Event, Task, and Folder.
        • Message: Set whether to use Message.
        • Note: Choose whether to use the Note. With the Note function, group members can share posts with photos and files.
        • Event: Select whether to use the Event. Group members can update and share group events on the Event.
        • Task: Select whether to use the Task. With the Task function, you can share and manage tasks together with group members.
        • Folder: Select whether to use the Folder. Group members can upload, download, and share files with other members.
    • Mailing List
      • Set whether to use the mailing list. You can change the default email address entered.
      • Advanced settings for the mailing list can changed in Contacts on the PC web.
    • Group notification: Set whether to send notifications to all members when the group is created, edited, or deleted.
    • Public Group: If you uncheck the checkbox of the 'Public Group', the group will be hidden from the list of groups in Contacts. The group will also not be displayed on users other than the group members in their search results or autocomplete. You can enter up to 100 characters for the group name. If the group is set as private, the group will not be displayed on the list, search and autocomplete results.
  6. Tap 'Group Member'.
  7. Tap  , and select the members you want to add as the Group Masters and group members.
  8. Tap 'Save' to create a group.

PC Web

  1. Click on the top.
  2. Click 'Contacts'.
  3. Click 'New' on the left menu.
  4. Click 'Add Group'.
  5. When creating a group of only the company members, click 'Create Group' on the group selection screen.
  6. Complete the fields including the group name and description.
    • Basic group information
      • Group profile: Register a group profile.
      • Group name: Enter a name for the group. You can enter up to 100 characters for the group name.
      • Group description: Enter a description for the group.
      • Member: You can add Group Masters and members. The member who created the group becomes the Group Master and is automatically set as a member. You can add and delete multiple Group Masters and members.
    • Message room features setting
      • Message: Set whether to use Message.
      • Note: Choose whether to use the Note. With the Note function, group members can share posts with photos and files.
      • Event: Select whether to use the Event. Group members can update and share group events on the Event.
      • Task: Select whether to use the Task. With the Task function, you can share and manage tasks together with group members.
      • Folder: Select whether to use the Folder. Group members can upload, download, and share files with other members.
    • Mailing List : Set whether to use the Mailing List.
      • Mailing-address: Enter the email address of the mailing list. You can change the default email address.
      • Advanced settings
        • Use as sender address: Select the member who can use the Mailing-address as the sender email.
        • Sending restrictions: You can limit the members who can send emails using the Mailing-address.
        • Block external domain emails: You can block emails sent from external parties.
      • External email address: You can add contacts saved in External Contacts or enter an external email directly as mailing list members.
    • Privacy setting: If you uncheck the checkbox of the 'Public group', the group will be hidden from the list of groups in Contacts. The group will also not be exposed to users other than the group members in their search results or autocomplete.
    • Group Notification: Set whether to send notifications to all members when the group is created, edited, or deleted.
  7. Click 'Add' to create a group.

Convert a General Message Room to a group

You can convert a General Message Room with at least three members, including yourself, into a group.

When converting a General Message Room with multiple members to a group, Message is enabled by default. The existing message room will be converted to a Group Message Room with the previous chat history remained.


  1. Tap in a message room.
  2. Tap 'Create Group'.
  3. Create a group profile, enter the group name and description. Then, change the settings on message room features, mailing list, Group notification, and privacy.
    You can enter up to 100 characters for the group name and 300 characters for the group description. If the group is set as private, the group will not be displayed on the list of all groups and autocomplete.
  4. Tap 'Save' to create a group.

PC Web

  1. Click on the top.
  2. Click 'Contacts'.
  3. Click the message room you want to convert to a group among the message room list on the left.
  4. Click  on the top, and then 'Create group'.
  5. Complete the fields including the group name and description.
    • Basic group information
      • Group profile: Register a group profile.
      • Group name: Enter a name for the group. You can enter up to 100 characters for the group name.
      • Group description: Enter a description for the group.
      • Member: You can add Group Masters and members. The member who created the group becomes the Group Master, and is automatically set as a member. You can add and delete multiple Group Masters and members.
    • Message room features setting
      • Message: Set whether to use Message.
      • Note: Choose whether to use the Note. With the Note function, group members can share posts with photos and files.
      • Event: Select whether to use the Event. Group members can update and share group events on the Event.
      • Task: Select whether to use the Task. With the Task function, you can share and manage tasks together with group members.
      • Folder: Select whether to use the Folder. Group members can upload, download, and share files with other members.
    • Mailing List : Set whether to use the Mailing List.
      • Mailing-address: Enter the email address of the mailing list. You can change the default email address.
      • Advanced settings
        • Use as sender address: Select the member who can use the Mailing-address as the sender email.
        • Sending restrictions: You can limit the members who can send emails using the Mailing-address.
        • Block external domain emails: You can block emails sent from external parties.
      • External email address: You can add contacts saved in External Contacts or enter an external email directly as mailing list members.
    • Privacy setting: If you uncheck the checkbox of the 'Public group', the group will be hidden from the list of groups in Contacts. The group will also not be exposed to users other than the group members in their search results or autocomplete.
    • Group Notification: Set whether to send notifications to all members when the group is created, edited, or deleted.
  6. Click 'Add' to create a group.

Change group setting and manage members

The Group Master can edit the basic information and change settings for group features. Also, the Group Master can manage the group members, such as adding or deleting them.

The following are the information and features the Group Master can make changes.

However, the Group Master cannot change the settings for group features if disabled by the administrator.

  • Basic group information setting
    • Group profile
    • Group name
    • Group description
    • Add or delete Group Masters
    • Add or delete group members
  • Group Message Room features setting
    • Set whether to use Message
    • Set whether to use Note, Folder, Task, Event
  • Set whether to use mailing list
  • Group privacy settings

Delete Group Message Room features data

The Group Master can delete message room Note, Event, and Folder data to secure shared capacity.

After deleting data, it may take some time for the changes to be reflected.


  1. Tap 'Contacts'.
  2. In Contacts, tap .
  3. Tap 'Group'.
  4. Tap the group you want.
  5. Tap  on the top right.
  6. Tap 'Edit group'.
  7. Tap 'Message room features'.
  8. Tap 'Delete Data'.
  9. Delete the data you want.

PC Web

  1. Click on the top.
  2. Click 'Contacts'.
  3. Click 'Group' on the left menu.
  4. Click the group you want.
  5. Click  on the top right in Group details.
  6. Click 'Edit group'
  7. Click 'Delete Data' on the bottom right of the message room features section.
  8. Delete the data you want.

Delete a group

Group Masters can delete their groups in the group setting. Deleting a group deletes all data stored in the group’s Message, Note, Event, Folder, and Mailing List  and cannot be restored.

Leave a group

Group members cannot leave a Group Message Room by themselves.

Only the Group Master can add or delete group members.

If a group member is removed from the Group Message Room by the Group Master, that member can no longer view the messages shared in the Group Message Room. However, messages and photos shared by the member remain in the group.

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