Lock a file

This feature is available after applying for WORKS Drive or the Standard or Standard Plus plan of NAVER WORKS Core.

If you do not want other members to edit the files shared in Drive, you can use the 'Lock File' function. When a file is locked, members other than the person who locked the file can only read the file and cannot edit the file with the same name.

Lock a file

Members with the permission to edit the shared file can lock shared files.


  1. Tapof the file to lock.
  2. Tap 'Details'.
  3. Turn on the file lock. When you lock a file,will be displayed in the list.

PC Web

  1. Clickon the top.
  2. Click 'Drive'.
  3. Click  on the right of the file.
  4. Click  'Lock'.

When you lock a file, will be displayed in the list.

Drive App

  1. Tap the of the file you want to lock.
  2. Tap 'Lock File'.
  3. Turn on the file lock.

When you lock a file, will be displayed in the list.

Drive Explorer

  1. Right-click the file you want to lock.
  2. Click 'NAVER WORKS Drive >  'Lock File'
    You can lock up to 10 files at once.

Check the file lock information

You can check the information on the locked file: the date when the file was locked and the person who locked the file.


  1. Tapnext to the file to check the lock information.
  2. Tap 'Details'.
  3. Check the date when the file was locked and the person who locked the file.

PC Web

  1. Click  on the top.
  2. Click 'Drive'.
  3. Click on the right of the file.
  4. Click 'File Lock Info'.

Drive App

    1. Tap for the file information you want to check.
    2. Tap 'Details'.
    3. Check the date when the file was locked and the person who locked the file.

Drive Explorer

  1. Right-click the file to lock.
  2. Click 'NAVER WORKS Drive > 'File Lock Info'.

Unlock a file

Members with the permission to edit can unlock the shared files. When a file is unlocked, the person who locked the file receives a notification.


  1. Tapnext to the file you want to unlock.
  2. Tap 'Details'.
  3. Turn off the file lock.

PC Web

  1. Clickon the top.
  2. Click 'Drive'.
  3. Click on the right of the file.
  4. Click 'File Lock Info'.
  5. Click 'Unlock'.

Drive Explorer

  1. Right-click the file to lock.
  2. Click 'NAVER WORKS Drive > File Lock Info'.
  3. Click 'Unlock file'.

Available functions for locked files

○: Available, : Available under specific conditions, ×: Not available

Member who locked the file
Other members (permission to edit)
Other members (permission to read)
Open ○*1
Upload △*2 ×
Unlock ×
Share link ×
See details
Move × × ×
Restore version × × ×
Restore from Trash × × ×
Rename × × ×
Delete × × ×

*1: When opening a file using Drive Explorer, you can only read the file.

*2: Upload is available if the file is saved in a different name.

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