Manage links and view history

You can change settings or delete links for each link that is currently shared.
You can view the activity history of what the recipient did on the page accessed through the link.
The administrator can set whether to allow the link sharing function, set the link expiration date, or restrict access of the link in Admin.

Manage links

You can change settings for the shared link, such as link sharing scope, expiration date, edit/read permissions, and whether to provide a download button.
To change the link sharing scope, you must delete the existing link and create a new link.


  1. Tap next to the folder or file of the shared link.
  2. Tap 'Send'.
  3. Tap 'Manage and Send Link'.
  4. Make changes to access permission, expiration date, or editing permission.
  5. Tap 'Confirm' to change link settings.

Drive App

  1. Tap of the file or folder with the link created.
  2. Tap 'Link Settings'.
  3. Tap 'Change Settings' to change the settings.
  4. Tap 'Save'.

PC Web

  1. Click at the top.
  2. Click 'Drive'.
  3. Click of the file or folder with the link created.
  4. Click 'Link Settings'.
  5. Change the settings.
  6. Click 'Save'.

Drive Explorer

  1. Right-click a shared file.
  2. Click 'NAVER WORKS Drive > Manage and send links'.
  3. Click 'Settings' to check the details.
  4. Make changes to access permission, expiration date, or editing permission.
  5. Click 'OK'.

Link sharing scope

You can select one of the following access permissions to ensure security when sharing a link.
Depending on the administrator’s settings, some access permissions may not be available.

Public Anyone with the link can access (Password optional)
Company members Anyone registered as a company member
Specific people (OTP) Only those who receive the OTP email

Regardless of the access permission settings, you may not be able to access a link for the following reasons:

  • If the person who shared the link has deleted the link
  • If the link was deleted because the expiration date has passed
  • If the link’s access permissions change and you no longer have access
  • If you are excluded from the list of people who can access the link (OTP authentication)
  • If you are accessing from a browser other than the first verified browser in the Only specific people (OTP) link

Expiration date

You can select the from unlimited, 7 days, 30 days, 90 days, or 180 days.
Depending on the administrator's settings, you may not be able to set a valid period.

Permission to edit/read

By default, all links are editable when they are first created. The person you share it with can also edit the file from the link or upload new files to the folder.
You can also set read permissions to prevent people you share the link with from modifying or deleting data in the folder.


When selecting 'Public' for the sharing scope, you can limit access to only those who know the password.
Passwords can be 4-16 characters long and can include numbers, letters, and special characters.

Download button

When selecting 'Permission to read' for the permission, you can restrict downloading files and folders for people who access the link.
The download button will not be displayed for those who access the link.

Delete a link

If you no longer want to share files and folders that you have shared via a link, you can unshare them by deleting the link to the file or folder.


  1. Tap next to the folder or file of the shared link.
  2. Tap 'Send'.
  3. Tap 'Manage and Send Link'.
  4. Tap 'Delete Link' to unshare the link.

Drive App

  1. Tap of the file or folder with the link created.
  2. Tap 'Link Settings'.
  3. Tap 'Delete Link'.

PC Web

  1. Click at the top.
  2. Click 'Drive'.
  3. Click of the file or folder with the link created.
  4. Click 'Link Settings'.
  5. Click 'Delete Link'.

Drive Explorer

  1. Right-click a shared file.
  2. Click 'NAVER WORKS Drive > Manage and send links'.
  3. Click 'Delete'.
  4. Click 'Delete'.

Check link history

You can check the activity history for the last 6 months within the shared link.
You can check the history of activities before the link expires.
Once you delete a link, the sharing history for the link will also be deleted.

  • Link access
  • Preview
  • Rename
  • Download
  • New Folder
  • Upload
  • Overwrite
  • Moved
  • Copy
  • Deleted


  1. Tap next to the folder or file of the shared link.
  2. Tap 'Send'.
  3. Tap 'Manage and Send Link'.
  4. Tap 'Link history'.

Drive App

  1. Tap of the file or folder with the link created.
  2. Tap 'Link Settings'.
  3. Tap 'Link History' on the link management screen.

PC Web

  1. Click at the top.
  2. Click 'Drive'.
  3. Click of the file or folder with the link created.
  4. Click 'Link History'.

Drive Explorer

  1. Right-click a shared file.
  2. Click ‘NAVER WORKS Drive > Link History’.

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