Share links

This feature is available after applying for WORKS Drive or the Standard or Standard Plus plan of NAVER WORKS Core.

You can easily share files and folders within Drive as links.

Link sharing is effective for sharing large files as it does not require additional shared storage space.

Enhance security by setting the scope of link sharing, validity period, editing/reading permissions, and enabling/disabling the download button.

Folders and files that are being shared via links are marked with  next to their names.
Link sharing is not available for External Group Folders.

Send a link

You can share files or folders in Drive as links.

You can share by setting who can access and view links.

Link access permissions can be set as follows:

Share with Description
Public Anyone with the link can access (Password optional)
Company members Anyone registered as a company member
Specific people (OTP) Only those who receive the OTP email

Possible actions when accessed using the link is as follows based on permission:

Permission to edit Permission to read
File links Download, Preview, Delete, Replace Download, Preview
Folder links Upload, Download, Preview, Copy, Move, Delete files and folders
However, you can only Upload, Copy, Move folders on PC Web.
Download, Preview


  1. Tap  of the file or folder to share.
  2. Tap 'Send'.
  3. Tap 'Share Link'.
  4. Set link access permissions in 'Access permission'.
  5. Tap 'Copy Link' and share the link.
  6. Tap 'Send Link' to directly send the link in Message Room, Contacts, and Mail.

Drive App

  1. Next to the file or folder you want to send from Drive, tap  .
  2. Tap 'Share'.
  3. Tap 'Share Link'.
  4. Select the link sharing scope.
  5. Tap 'Share' on the bottom.
  6. Tap 'Change Settings' to change link access permissions. Tap 'Save' to save.
  7. Tap 'Copy Link' to copy the link to your desired location. Alternatively, you can directly send the link to external apps by tapping 'Send Link'.
    If you have created the link for 'Specific people (OTP)', you can specify recipients to send the link via email in 'People with Access'.

PC Web

  1. Click on the top.
  2. Click 'Drive'.
  3. Next to the file or folder you want to send from Drive, click .
  4. Click 'Share Link'.
  5. Select the link sharing scope.
  6. Click 'Share' on the bottom.
  7. Change the link sharing settings. Click 'Save' to save.
  8. Click 'Copy' and copy the link to your desired location.
    If you have created the link for 'Specific people (OTP)', you can specify recipients to send the link via email.

Drive Explorer

  1. Right-click the file to share.
  2. Click 'NAVER WORKS Drive > Share Link'.
  3. Check the generated link, then click on 'Settings'.
  4. Click 'Change Settings' on the bottom.
  5. Select the sharing scope of the link in 'Link Access Permissions'.
  6. Click 'OK'.
  7. Click 'Copy Link' and share the link.
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