Add or edit answer choices

You can add and edit answer choices for choice-type, subjective-type, and date-type questions.

Add and edit answer choices for choice-type questions

You can add and edit answer choices for choice-type questions.

Add more answer choices to a choice-type question

If you want to add more answer choices, press 'Add Answer Choice' under the choice-type question.

Add other answer choices to a choice-type question

Press 'Add 'other'' to directly enter text and create an item other than the given choices.

Press 'Add 'other'' under the choice-type question.

Allow selecting multiple answer choices for a choice-type question

You can let the template users allow selecting multiple answer choices for a question.

Turn on 'Multiple choice' under the choice-type question.

Change the order of answer choices in choice-type question

You can change the order of answer choices in a choice-type question.

Drag & drop on the left of the answer choice in the choice-type question to move to the location you want.

Delete answer choices

Press  on the right of the answer choice to delete.

Once deleted, you cannot restore the answer choice.

Add or edit answer choices for date-type questions

For the date-type questions, you can select one of the following methods.

Enter date

If you select 'Enter date', today's date is automatically entered when creating a template and selecting the entry field.

You can select the entered date and edit it on the date selection window.

Enter date and time

If you select 'Enter date & time', today's date and time are automatically entered when creating a template and selecting the entry field.

You can select the entered date and time and edit them individually on each selection window.

Add or edit answer choices for subjective-type questions

For the subjective-type questions, you can select one of the following methods.

Free response

If you select 'No limit', template users can respond to the question as they want.

Only numbers

If you select 'Only numbers', template users can only enter numbers as answers.

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