Add or edit questions

Add questions and items to organize the template.

Add or edit questions

You can include multiple questions in a template and edit question content as you want.


  1. On create template screen, tap 'Add Component'.
  2. Tap the question to add.
  3. Enter the question and description.

PC Web

  1. On create template screen, click 'Add Component'.
  2. Select the question to add and then click 'Add'.
  3. Enter the question and description.

PC App

  1. On create template screen, click 'Add Component'.
  2. Select the question to add and then click 'Add'.
  3. Enter the question and description.

The following indicates how to write a question type.

Question type How to add or edit questions
Choice-type The template editor selects one or more answer choices for a given question.
Subjective-type The template editor directly enters the content. You can limit the answers to only numbers.
Date-type The template editor directly enters the 'Date' or 'Date+Time' format.
Image The template editor can attach up to 3 images.
Dropdown The template editor selects an answer choice from a given list.
Rating The template editor selects a score for a given question.

Change the order of questions

You can change the order of the questions.


  1. Tap 'Change Order' at the bottom of the create template screen.
  2. Drag and drop  right to the question to change the order in the place of your choice.

PC Web

  1. Click 'Change Order' at the bottom of the create template screen.
  2. Drag and drop  right to the question to change the order in the place of your choice.

PC App

  1. Click 'Change Order' at the bottom of the create template screen.
  2. Drag and drop  right to the question to change the order in the place of your choice.

Copy questions

You can copy the title and description of each question and the contents of each answer choice.


  1. Tapof the question you want to copy.
  2. Tap 'Copy Question' to copy the question.

PC Web

  1. Clickof the question you want to copy.
  2. Click 'Copy Question' to copy the question.

PC App

  1. Clickof the question you want to copy.
  2. Click 'Copy Question' to copy the question.

Delete questions

Delete questions.

However, you cannot restore the deleted questions.


  1. Tapof the question.
  2. Tap 'Delete Question' to delete the question.

PC Web

  1. Clickof the question.
  2. Click 'Delete Question' to delete the question.

PC App

  1. Clickof the question.
  2. Click 'Delete Question' to delete the question.
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