Restore or permanently delete files and folders

This feature is available after applying for NAVER WORKS Core.

Files and folders deleted from the message room folder are stored in the Trash for each message room folder.

In Trash, you can view deleted files and folders and restore or permanently delete them.

Restore deleted files or folders

You can restore a file or folder from the folder trash.

Restored folders and files will return to their original location.


  1. Tap in Folder.
  2. Tap 'Trash'.
  3. Tap of the file or folder you want to restore.
  4. Tap 'Restore'.

PC Web

  1. Click at the top.
  2. Click 'Message'.
  3. Click a message room from the message room list on the left.
  4. Click the 'Folder' tab right to the message room.
  5. Click 'Trash' at the bottom of the folders list.
  6. Click right to the file or folder you want to restore.
  7. Click 'Restore' to restore.

Permanently delete a file or a folder

Deleted files or folders are moved to that folder's trash and stored until permanently deleted.

Permanently deleting a file will free up shared storage equivalent to the file's size.

There are two ways to permanently delete a file or a folder.

  • Permanently delete a file or a folderPermanently Delete
  • Empty Trash

Permanently delete a file or a folder

You can select deleted files and folders to permanently delete them. Permanently deleted files or folders cannot be restored.

Only files deleted by members themselves can be permanently deleted from team/group folders. The team leader or Group Master can also permanently delete files deleted by other members.


  1. Tap in Folder.
  2. Tap 'Trash'.
  3. Tap of the file or folder you want to permanently delete.
  4. Tap 'Permanently Delete' to permanently delete the file or folder.

PC Web

  1. Click at the top.
  2. Click 'Message'.
  3. Click a message room from the list at the left.
  4. Click the 'Folder' tab right to the message room.
  5. Click 'Trash' at the bottom of the folders list.
  6. Click right to the file or folder you want to permanently delete.
  7. Click 'Delete' to permanently delete the file or folder.

Empty trash

Files or entire folder items that have been moved to the trash can be permanently deleted at once. Permanently deleted files or folders cannot be restored.

Team or group folders can only be emptied by the team leader or Group Master.

Emptying the trash will free up the shared storage that was being used by the deleted items.


  1. Tap in Folder.
  2. Tap 'Trash'.
  3. Tap to permanently delete all items in Trash.

PC Web

  1. Click at the top.
  2. Click 'Message'.
  3. Click a message room from the list at the left.
  4. Click the 'Folder' tab right to the message room.
  5. Click 'Trash' at the bottom of the folders list.
  6. Click 'Empty Trash' at the top right of the files or folders list.
  7. Click 'OK' to permanently delete all items in 'Trash'.
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