Search a file or a folder

This feature is available after applying for NAVER WORKS Core.

You can search for files and folders. You can search by the file name, content, and extensions (.pptx, etc.).

Also, you can use the advanced search to select the search range, period, and file formats.

Search results will only include files that are uploaded more than 1 minute ago.

You can search in English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese.

Search a file or a folder name

Search for files and folders by name.

When searching for Excel or PowerPoint files, you can quickly find them by entering the extension.


  1. Tap  in Folder.
  2. Enter the file or folder name to search.
    Every time you enter a keyword, all files or names containing that keyword are displayed.

PC Web

  1. Click on the top.
  2. Click 'Message'.
  3. Click a Team/Group Message Room from the message room list.
  4. Click  on the top right.
  5. Enter keywords to search.
  6. Click the 'Folder' tab to search for files or folders that contain the keywords.

Search the file content in Folder

You can find a file by searching for a word in the body text of a document file stored in a folder.

The extensions of files that support body text search are as follows.

  • MS Office files (.doc, .docx, .ppt, .pptx, .xls, .xlsx)
  • PDF file (.pdf)
  • Hangul files (.hwp, hwpx)
  • Text files (.txt, .rtf, .xml)

The searchable languages are Korean, English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese.


  1. Tap  in Folder.
  2. Enter the keywords to search.
  3. Tap 'Text'.

PC Web

  1. Click on the top.
  2. Click 'Message'.
  3. From the list of message rooms, click the Team/Group Message Room of your choice.
  4. Click  on the top right.
  5. Enter keywords to search.
  6. Click the 'Folder' tab to search for files containing keywords in the body.

However, name search results and text search results are displayed together on the PC web.

Advanced search

You can search by specifying a range, such as a specific folder, file format, and file revision history, and so on.


  1. Tap  in Folder.
  2. Click 'Advanced'.
  3. Select a folder to perform the search. If no folder is selected, the keywords will be searched in all folders by default.
  4. Select a file format.
  5. Select a file revision period.
  6. Enter the keywords to search.
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