Search a message

This feature is available after applying for NAVER WORKS Core.

You can search for message room names, message room members, message contents, file names, and file contents.
However, you can only search messages within the search period set by the administrator.

Search all messages

You can search for messages shared in all message rooms in the message room list.

Search a message


  1. Tap  in the message room list.
  2. Enter the message room name, member name, message content, or file name to search.

Recently searched message rooms and keywords are automatically saved, so you can quickly select them from your search history for future searches.

PC Web

  1. Click on the top.
  2. Click 'Message'.
  3. Click the search bar on the top of the message room list.
  4. Enter the message room name, member name, message content, or file name to search.

PC App

  1. Click  on the top left of the screen.
  2. Click the search bar on the top of the message room list.
  3. Enter the message room name, member name, message content, or file name to search.

Sort message search results


  1. Tap    in the search results screen.
  2. Select a sorting option to sort the search results.

PC Web

  1. Click on the top.
  2. Click 'Message'.
  3. Click  on the top of the message room search results.
  4. Select a sorting option to sort the search results.

PC App

  1. Click  on the top left of the screen.
  2. Click  in the message room list screen.
  3. Select a sorting option to sort the search results.

Hide message room after message search


  1. From the message room list, swipe left on the message room you want to hide.
  2. Tap 'Hide'.
  3. Tap 'Hide' in the dialogue box.

You can also tap and hold one message room and then select multiple message rooms to hide at once.

Message rooms you hide on the mobile app will still appear on the list on the PC web and the PC app.

PC Web

  1. Hover the mouse over the message room you want to hide, and click .
  2. Click 'Hide'.
  3. If there is more than one message room you want to hide, select together and click 'Hide'.

Message rooms you hide on the PC web will still appear on the list on the mobile and the PC app.

PC App

  1. Right-click the message room you want to hide from the message room list.
  2. Click 'Hide'.
  3. If there is more than one message room you want to hide, select together and click 'Hide'.

Message rooms you hide on the PC app will still appear on the list on the PC web and the mobile.

Leave message room after message search


  1. Swipe left on the message room you want to leave from the message room list.
  2. Tap 'Leave'.
  3. Tap 'Confirm' in the dialogue box.

You can also tap and hold one message room and then select multiple message rooms to leave at once.

PC Web

  1. Hover the mouse over the message room you want to leave from the message room list, and click .
  2. Click 'Leave'.
  3. If there is more than one message room you want to leave, select together and click 'Leave'.

PC App

  1. Right-click the message room you want to leave from the message room list.
  2. Click 'Leave'.
  3. If there is more than one message room you want to leave, select together and click 'Leave'.

Search inside a message room

You can search for messages in a specific message room or check messages of a set date.


  1. Tap  in a message room.
  2. Enter the message content, member name, or file name to search.
  3. If you want to check messages sent and received on a specific date, tap  and select the date.

PC Web

  1. Click on the top.
  2. Click 'Message'.
  3. Click a message room from the message room list.
  4. Click  on the top right of the message room.
  5. Enter the message content or file name to search.
  6. If you want to check the message contents of a specific date, click and select the date.

PC App

  1. Click  on the top left of the screen.
  2. Click a message room from the message room list.
  3. Click .
  4. Click 'Search messages'.
  5. Enter the message content, member name, or file name to search.
  6. If you want to check the message contents of a specific date, click and select the date.
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