App information

You can check the version of the application.


  1. Tap ‘Home’ on the bottom.
  2. From 'Help & support', tap 'App Information'.
    • Current Version: The current NAVER WORKS app version installed on the device. If you are not using the latest version, please make sure to update the app to enhance the security and to use improved features.
    • Latest Version: You are using the latest version of the NAVER WORKS app.
    • Update history: Update history per version.
    • Terms of Service: You can check the terms and conditions of NAVER WORKS.
    • Privacy Policy: You can check the Privacy Policy of NAVER WORKS.
    • Legal Notice

PC App

  1. Click on the bottom left.
  2. Click 'App Information'.
    • Current version: The current NAVER WORKS app version installed on the device. If you are not using the latest version, please make sure to update the app to enhance the security and to use improved features.
    • Latest Version: You are using the latest version of the NAVER WORKS app.
    • Update history: Update history per version.
    • Terms of Service: You can check the terms and conditions of NAVER WORKS.
    • Privacy Policy: You can check the Privacy Policy of NAVER WORKS.
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  • The information provided in the guide is wrong.
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  • There is insufficient information on specific devices. (e.g. There is no explanation on Mobile.)
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