Notification settings

You can set whether to receive mobile app/pop-up notifications or service-specific notifications.

Mobile app/pop-up notifications

You can set whether to receive mobile app notifications on mobile, and pop-up notifications on PC apps and PC web when there is a new message/email/service notification.
Settings can be applied differently for each environment/device in use.

  • Message Notification: Receive mobile app/pop-up notifications for new messages.
  • Mail Notification: Receive mobile app/pop-up notifications for new emails.
  • Service Notification: Receive mobile app/pop-up notifications for new service notifications.

However, for mobile, you must first set up device notifications on your iOS or Android device. Without proper settings, enabling notifications within the app will not  ensure you receive mobile app notifications.


  1. Tap 'Home' on the bottom.
  2. Tap on the top right.
  3. Tap 'Notification settings'.
  4. In the 'Mobile App Notification' section, set 'Allow Notifications' on or off.
  5. Set 'Allow Notifications' on, and select the types of notifications you want to receive.
  6. Turn on notifications.
  7. To prevent mobile app notifications from showing details, turn 'Preview Contents' off.

PC Web

  1. Click on the top right of the screen to open 'Settings'.
  2. From the left menu, click 'Notification'.
  3. In notification settings screen, turn 'PC web popup alert' on or off.
    If you haven't granted permission to your browser, click 'Set notification'.
  4. Set 'PC web popup alert' on and select the types of notifications you want to receive.
    • Depending on whether you want to show the details of the notification, select 'Preview content' or 'Hide content'.

PC App

  1. Click on the bottom left.
  2. Click 'Settings'.
  3. Click 'Notifications' tab.
  4. In the 'Notification method' section, select or deselect 'Pop-up notification'.
  5. With 'Pop-up notification' on, select the types of notifications you want to receive.
    • Depending on what you want to display in the notification, select 'Sender' or 'Sender+Content' from the right menu of  'Pop-up notification'.

Service-specific notification settings

You can set types of  notifications to receive for each service.

The settings will be applied to all environments/devices logged in with your account.


  1. Tap 'Home' on the bottom.
  2. Tap on the top right.
  3. Tap 'Notification settings'.
  4. Tap 'Notifications by Service' and set up notifications for each service.

PC Web

  1. Click on the top right go access 'Settings'.
  2. From the left menu, click 'Notification'.
  3. Under 'Notifications by Service', set up notifications for each service.

PC App

  1. Click  on the bottom left.
  2. Click 'Settings'.
  3. Click 'Notifications' tab.
  4. In the 'Notification method' section, check if the 'Pop-up notification' is selected.
  5. Click 'Notifications by Service' to the right of  'Service Notification'.
  6. Go to PC web and set up notifications for each service under 'Notifications by Service'.

For details on how to set up notifications for each service, refer to the notification setup guides for each service.

  • Board Notification: Change the notification setting for each board. For more information, refer to the Board notification settings.
  • Message Notification: Check if you are receiving duplicate notifications in PC and mobile app while using PC web pop-up notifications. For more information, refer to the Message notification settings.
  • Mail Notification: Change the notification settings for emails from favorites or each mailbox. For more information, refer to the Mail notification settings.
  • Calendar Notification: Change the notification settings for events or each calendar. For more information, refer to the Calendar notification settings.
  • Task Notification: Change the notification settings for task assignments, completion, changes, and incomplete task reminders. For more information, refer to the Task notification settings.
  • Drive Notification: Change the notification settings for file unlock and sharing invitations. For more information, refer to the Drive notification settings.
  • Form Notification: Change the notification settings related to forms you created or participated in. For more information, refer to the Form notification settings.


Show notifications on each browser

If you have blocked browser notifications from showing, you will not receive any web pop-up notifications.

In this case, change to 'Allow' through the path below, and then select 'PC web popup alert' in the 'Settings> Notification' screen of the NAVER WORKS service to allow the display of notifications.

You can access Settings by clicking  on the top right.


Click  on the top right of the browser. Go to 'Settings > Security and Privacy > Site Settings > Notifications' and add '' to the 'Allowed' list.

Microsoft Edge

Click  on the top right of the browser. Then click 'Add' on the right of 'Allow' in 'Settings > Cookies and site permissions > Notifications' to add ''.


Click on the top right corner of your browser, then go to ‘Settings > Privacy > Notifications’ and add ‘’ to the ‘Allowed to send notifications’ section.


No browser settings are required.

However, you can uncheck ‘Do not track websites: Prevent cross-site tracking’ in the Safari browser's ‘Settings > Privacy’ menu to make pop-up notifications work more smoothly.

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