Verify domain and activate products

To use NAVER WORKS, check your domain ownership and activate the product you want to use.

Verify domain ownership

Verify the ownership of an existing domain.

If you are using an existing domain instead of signing up with the default domain provided by NAVER WORKS, you must verify domain ownership to use NAVER WORKS.

Domain ownership can only be verified on PC web.

PC Web

  1. Access Admin.
  2. In the top banner of Admin, click 'Check Status'.
  3. Click 'Domain ownership verification guide' on the bottom right.
  4. Follow the guide to verify domain ownership.
For more information, refer to the Domain ownership verification FAQ.

Activate Business Support products

If you have applied for a NAVER WORKS Approval product, enter additional items to activate the product.

(Add image -> Enable Admin Support screen)

PC Web

  1. Access Admin.
  2. In the 'Access URL' field, enter a URL that redirects to the Business Support product.
    • Must be between 3 and 32 characters long.
    • Only numbers, lowercase letters, and hyphens (-) can be entered. Hyphens (-) cannot be entered at the beginning or end.
  3. Select a country.
  4. Select a base currency that you use and click 'Save' on the bottom right.
  5. Click 'OK' to complete the Business Support activation.

For settings for other company information, see the Company information guide.

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